SecondIron's Blog

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2017 Brings in a New Word of the Year

It can be difficult to encompass an entire year into one word. A word that will be your focus for the next 365 days. One that will embody the direction the year 2017 will take. As I look back on the journey of this past year’s word, I can see it did not always come easily. I had chosen fearless as my word of 2016 and service the year before that. Sure there were moments of reckless abandon, but was I truly fearless? I would have to say in so many ways, a resounding YES! Going into 2017, my outlook is a little different. I have decided to take a less resounding word. A word that I have not come by lightly. In fact, much prayer has been put into the preparation of this word than any other in the past. Prayer out of need, just as much as for guidance. You see 2017 is going to be a big year for me, and for you as well, I just know it! Therefore the one word has to be just right. I challenged myself when the word came about, because well it is just not the normal me. Or is it? Perhaps this is the beginning of a new me? Without further ado or unnecessary discourse, I present to you my one word for 2017. My one word is to be none other than Humility. In fact, I really think there are two words for this year that speak volumes of the year ahead and they are Humbled […]

America is still beautiful 

The first presidential election debate has concluded. Many people tuned in to watch the circus this election has become. I worked during the debate, did not see but about 5 minutes of it. That was plenty, and my heart is happier this byear not enduring more than that. Facebook feeds are full of hate speech, morphed photoshops of what a Hillary/Trump baby may look like. Memes making light of hair, looks and the lies each of them may or may not have told. My heart has become weary with not only the candidates but those that believe one of them will either fix or ruin America. America is still beautiful, no matter who hold office. Click To Tweet We were founded on Godly principles. Even though many are forgotten and others we are not allowed to share. God himself has not forsaken America in our ignorant blindness. This is still the country of dreams. Every day people change their lives for the better. They have the freedoms that are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.  All the ruckus over hacked emails, racial tensions, or borders it will all fade away. After the election no matter who wins. It is then that we must accept our fate. When the executive Power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America. He shall hold his Office during the Term of four Years. At the end of which we will have the opportunity to […]

5 Reasons Why You Should go to Conferences

Did you know there are conferences for just about any niche these days? I get asked all the time why do I go to conferences? The answer should be simple. I go to conferences for many reasons that I cannot narrow it down to just one. You see every conference is different. But yet they are so much the same. This past weekend I spent at Word Camp a conference for WordPress users and developers. This coming weekend I will be in Atlanta for a conference for dreamers. One I was an attendee the other I will also have the opportunity to speak at during a panel discussion. Both conferences I am attending for many of the same reasons as I am always seeking to learn from others. For me, conferences are like little mental vacations: a chance to go visit an interesting place for a couple of days, and come back rested and refreshed with new ideas and perspectives. ~Erin McKean Here are a few reasons you should go to conferences, even if you know nothing about the conference. 5 Reasons Why You Should go to Conferences 1. You will learn –  If you want to be a leader in your industry you must always be learning new skills. Even if you think you are a master of your trade, there is always someone else that knows more. What better way to learn than from those who know first hand. Perhaps it is not your business idol that is the main speaker at the […]