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Faith or Fear the Choice is Yours

faith or fear

Fear or Faith is a Choice

Don’t be afraid, for I am with you.

Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God.

I will strengthen you and help you.

I will hold you up with my victorious right hand.

~ Isaiah 41:10 NLT

With words that powerful how can anyone be afraid, I mean He promises to hold us up and help us so what is there that we should FEAR?

I am sure everyone has heard the acronym for F.E.A.R. right?  If not here it is False Evidence Appearing Real.  How often do we allow the seeds of someone else’s opinion to invade our minds?

For I hold you by your right hand-

I, the Lord your God.

And I say to you,

‘Don’t be afraid I am here to help you.’

~Isaiah 41:13 NLT

Wow!  God himself has promised to help us, yet we allow every day failures to impede our path.  We focus on the worst case scenario of any challenge we may face.  We all have awoken from a deep sleep in a cold sweat from a crazy dream where our FEARs come true.

faith or fear

It makes a little sense though if we take a look at the weapons that are used against us to weaken us into submission and FEAR:

1.) Self-doubt – we get in our own heads and interfere with the work we are here to do.

2.) Opinions of others – whether in high school or in the workforce jealousy brings out the naysayers.

3.) Our past – we live an relive out past that can paralyze our future.

4.) Short-comings – being our own worst critics once we fall short we quit trying.

5.) Burdened with Regret – we tend to dwell on should have been and that can halt the could be’s

6.) Overcoming past Mistakes – we are human, accept it move past our flaws into our future.

7.) Rotten old Sin – we were born with it, we will continue to do it, confess and progress.

8.) Perceived Weakness – just because you are weak does not mean you are not strong.

9.) Our own mind – the devils playground to get in there and dance around.

10.) Generational burden – just because you were told you were ‘stupid ‘or ‘a failure’ or worse growing up that does not define who you are, it defines who they are.

So rather than subjecting yourself and everyone else around you to your FEAR, change your mindset and behavior to become victorious.  Instead of the acronym that is most well-known why not choose one that is a proven path instead?  Here are a few alternatives that will help you in facing FEAR head-on:

Fear-of-the-Dark-and-insomnia, faith or fear

1.) Face Everything And Rejoice

2.) Forget Everything And Relax

3.) Face Everything And Recover

4.) Feeling Excited And Ready

5.) Insert your own acronym here

The list goes on and more can be found at here , like anything else it is all a matter of perspective and how we choose to respond to God’s promise to us.

We were made for more than to allow FEAR to control our lives.  Rather than worrying about what other people think, try focusing on what matters.  We cannot please everyone and will exhaust ourselves to the point of failing rather than succeeding if we try. FEAR and the anxiety that it manifests in can destroy our lives, careers and families. Meanwhile we have been given the shield of protection to defend ourselves and yet many choose not to wear the armor.

Faith wins, faith or fear

Worry is the biggest cause of FEAR and can contribute to its control over our lives.  A simple mantra to keep in mind that helps put it in perspective is:

If you pray, why worry?

If you worry, why pray?

Simple and to the point, the choice is ultimately yours to make.  A diamond is just a piece of charcoal that handled stresses exceptionally well, go out and be a diamond.  Expose yourself to the FEAR, fight it directly with your faith knowing that you have an army behind you.  Imagine the FEAR as non-existent; overcome the FEAR one step at a time.  

fear overwhelms, faith or fear

As we move ourselves in the direction of our FEAR and challenge it on a daily basis, soon enough the FEAR will become weaker and diminish under our power.  Face it head-on, Bible in hand and declare yourself victorious and fear free.

You block your dream when you allow your fear to grow bigger than your faith. ~Mary Manin Morrissey

Question: Which acronym will you choose in your battle over F.E.A.R.?

About Charles Johnston

Charles is a Christian, husband and father of fur-kids who shares his walk with others in hopes to help other's along the way.

2 Replies

  1. Great reminder about choosing NOT to fear. LOVED your alternative fear acronyms. Sharing this because we all battle fear from time to time. THANKS 🙂

  2. David Mike

    I share the False Evidence Appearing Real statement all the time with my students. I tend to have the fear of “never having done something before.” I usually need someone to show me, then do it, and I am usually ok after that.