SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Becoming more than just another tool in the tool shed

  Picture yourself entering into you’re a large tool shed in the backyard gentlemen, you step inside and the smell of rust and sweat wafers out into the sunlight. You take a moment as your eyes adjust to the darkness within and you reach for the lone light bulb dangling from a rope in the middle of the shed. As the aged bulb flutters on and off as the filament heats up, your eyes adjust to the dimly lit shed. Within this old shed there are tools, tools on the walls hanging from pegs, tools leaning in all directions against the walls where they were left in a hurry. There are still more tools that have fallen off the aged hooks that lie on the floor in disarray. You search for the right tool that you need for the pressing job that is still on you honey-do-list. In the dim light, even as the bulb flickers above it is still difficult to see every part of the shed. You are forced to trust your instincts and remember back to the last time you used that tool where you may have put it as you fumble around in the darkness, tripping over the scattered tools on the floor. Finally you find the tool for the job, you breathe a sigh of relief and frustration at the mess you have left the old shed. You think to yourself that you really need to clean this mess up, but again it is left for another day. Imagine if […]

Thermostat or Thermometer

This past Sunday at church I got a little fired up! Fired up in a good way that is.  The sermon was on the differences between being a thermostat and a thermometer in your spiritual walk. This is an old adage that I think is deserving a revisit from time to time. We all know that a thermostat controls the temperature whether for your air handler or under the hood of your car.  Meanwhile a thermometer merely reflects or measures hot or cold with no controls. My question for you is ‘do you influence or control the tone in your life or do you simply react and measure the ups and downs?’ Our thermostats in our homes have been working overtime lately with all the weather changes. Are you working just as hard to influence your house as well?  What about at work, in the community or even at church? Many of us act as thermometers where we gauge our surroundings and allow them to dictate out moods and behavior.  If our work is stressing us out, or our home life is in shambles so are we.  Rather than being a leader that inspires others we become irritable and difficult and thereby diminish others’ trust in us. Being a leader that works as a thermostat, you have the opportunity to check the temperature and make necessary adjustments.  This type of leader is caring and aware of the mood or temperature and with their finger on the pulse is able to adjust accordingly. The purpose of […]

No holds all the power

One of the most powerful sentences is ‘No’ Many of us are weak when it comes to saying ‘no’ to someone else’s request. We are afraid that it might: Hurt their feelings Embarrass them Offend them Upset them Disappoint them Anger them Noticing a trend there?  It seems that the lack of use is all about ‘them.’  Where do we draw the line and accept the fact that we are no longer going to be someone else’s doormat?  How many times have you bought something you really didn’t want just to make the other person happy, or at least quit selling?  Anyone that owns a timeshare, unnecessary appliance or kitchen ware bought at a trade show, or owns something that you never used and regret buying; raise your hand.  Feel silly raising your hand by yourself as you read this don’t you? The answer is ‘no’ even though you just said ‘yes’ to yourself. We are told ‘no’ all of our lives, well most of us without the exceptionally blessed that well, probably are not reading this anyway.  Whether you try to get a loan, job, ask someone out, had an idea, were ever a kid you have become accustomed to hearing ‘no’ just not saying ‘no.’ Instead, we would rather suffer in silence than ruffle the feathers of someone else’s world.  We bend over backwards to make others happy without realizing it, much less the right intention.  The path of least resistance seems to be the easier to take.  It is easier to over […]