SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Happy New YOU 2014!

Once again we are burdened with the finality of another year; it is gone and done with all the blessings and messings we must move on creating a new you.  Many of us will make New Year’s resolutions today to fulfill tomorrow and break by January 31st if not sooner.  While we let 2013 go out with a bang or a whimper (you decide) we welcome the New Year of 2014 with open arms ready for new beginnings.  Here is some food for thought as you countdown the clock tonight..

◇ Become the person where the mirror does not scream in horror each day.

◇ Be a little kinder to those you pass by, they may be having a worse day than you.

◇ Use a friendly wave or the sign of the cross rather than the middle finger when someone cuts you off..Blessing them on their way.

◇ Read more books that will benefit your life spiritually, financially or emotionally rather than magazines and other smut based on sleazy dreams and lives of people you will never be.

◇ Instead of watching the news that is full of negativity use that time to spend with your family the headlines, weather and sports reports will be there to catch up on at any time.

◇ Feeling a bit empty, try filling someone else’s life, whether at a soup kitchen, giving your time to your favorite charity or just taking the time to be interested in the welfare and well-being of someone who can never repay you.

◇ If you have been away from church, find one, if you are part of one, be a part of it and not just a bystander in the pew.

◇ Compliment rather than complain, you will be amazed at the energy you will feel being positive towards your life and those in it.

◇ Write.. write and write some more, empty your soul on the pages of a journal, a blog wherever, no one should carry all that weight alone.

◇ Stretch yourself a little more, challenge your comfort zone, whether it be lacing up your shoes for a 5k, starting a new business or blog, forgiving someone who hurt you, whatever it is that makes you uncomfortable..Go for it until you rock it!

◇ We each have a lot of talent within in us that we are destined to share, give unto others and be willing to share.  Our stories unfolded for others to see are much better than a book that is not opened and sits on the shelf unseen.

◇ Being willing to wreck your whole world to provide someone else hope and possibly even joy will be the biggest reward for any goal you want to achieve.

◇ You are not in this alone, find a support group whether online in the form of a bunch of fellow dreamers, or a group of men that sharpen each other spiritually at lunch every 3rd Friday. Whatever the source find a mentor, a sounding board. It makes things easier and will make you feel a little less crazy when you want to change jobs or change the world.

new you

In 2014, we all enter it unknowing of what the future holds, whether we will have a job, medical coverage, another war, another natural disaster.  We do not know anything that will happen in this coming year except what we set out to make happen. Rather than making empty promises on New Year’s Eve, if we do some deep soul-searching and truly believe that 2014 is our year, each and every one can and will make it so.  Worry less and pray more, open the door to the New Year with great expectation and deliver on the promises rather than the resolutions.  Happy New Year to each and everyone may it be filled with blessings, health, friendships and revelation.




About Charles Johnston

Charles is a Christian, husband and father of fur-kids who shares his walk with others in hopes to help other's along the way.