SecondIron's Blog

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Two Lessons in Leadership

Two Lessons in Leadership that any leader should learn. One of the first lessons we learn in becoming a leader is the skill of eye contact. Eye contact is something that everyone should learn but few practice. There is power in the eyes of the beholder. The one that can maintain eye contact usually wins. I am not suggesting that we have staring contests with everyone we meet. That would just be creepy and make others uncomfortable. However when you introduce yourself to someone look them in the eye. Someone that cannot provide eye contact automatically I think they have something to hide. If you don’t look me in the eye you will likely not earn my business or trust. Trust is what earns business and eye contact garners trust. I find it awkward when you are talking to someone and they look everywhere else but at you. That can make someone feel insecure like they have something in their teeth or worse. It is also distracting and causes the appearance of disinterest. There is a level of eye-contact that is sufficient as well. It is a bit unnerving when someone locks eyes for minutes at a time, even after you looked away. I had a conversation with a co-worker earlier this week that I swear they had eye lock for the entire conversation. So as with anything else, moderation is a key element. This also applies to complete strangers that pass each other by. I have noticed that rather than eye contact the majority […]

10 Leadership Quotes

I am an avid reader of books especially those that have leadership quotes that are of benefit to myself and those around me.  Generally my book choices consist of motivational, self-help, faith-based and leadership.  Sometimes the books consist of all of these and more.  When reading I look for great original quotes that I can journal as well as share with others.  photo credit: marierleslie via photopin cc    Here are 10 Leadership Quotes from books recently read. People lose their way when they lose their why. Conversely, people find their way when they connect with their why. – Michael Hyatt @MichaelHyatt Click To Tweet Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. -Og Mandino @theoggroup Click To Tweet Change is your friend not your foe, change is a brilliant opportunity to grow. – Simon T. Bailey @SimonTBailey Click To Tweet Leadership is not just about what you do but what you can inspire, encourage and empower others to do. – Jon Gordon @JonGordon11 Click To Tweet You don’t need a plan; you just need to be present. – Bob Goff @BobGoff Click To Tweet Praise without specifics can be worse than no praise at all. – Joel Manby @JoelManby Click To Tweet Wake up and write. It doesn’t matter what it is, just write whatever comes to mind. – Jeffrey Gitomer @Gitomer Click To Tweet Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good – Malcolm Gladwell Click To Tweet […]

8 Ways Christians Make Good Leaders

What does being a ‘Christian Leader’ really mean? Does it mean that your values and honor are above reproach? Or maybe you just take the caring route to leadership and therefore that makes you soft. Being a Christian in a leadership role comes with its own sets often challenges that many might never realize. Here is why being a Christian in the workplace can be so difficult. We will be forced into uncomfortable situations that will challenge our own morals and values. The water cooler conversations will go silent when you walk in the room, the level of discomfort and awkwardness can be painful. Depending on how transparent you are with your faith, co-workers will avoid you like the plague, not because they don’t like you, they just don’t want to associate with the Christian. Unless you work for Chik-fil-a, a Christian bookstore, Hobby Lobby or another known Christian company your cross will become heavy to carry to work everyday. Here are some ways that everyone will know you are a Christian Leader in the workplace Recognizes and applauds the values of others – Many leaders will commend a job well done or great teamwork. A Christian will not only give credit where it is due, they will also invest in building the person up. They will publicly acknowledge the sacrifices of others and honestly give the accolades deserved to the individual or team. Has above average character – whether work is busy or slow the leader remains to the job. They believe in honesty […]