SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Finding the Root of Passion

Finding the Root of PassionWe all strive in finding the root of passion find that passion or zeal in our own lives.

When you talk to someone with a dream, they usually tell it with passion. If you come across someone with a gift they like to share, they are considered passionate.

Did you know that the Latin root of passion is patis, which means suffering. Why on earth would passion and suffering be related? Then again the Passion of Christ was the largest suffering anyone could encounter.

Think of this past week, the week we call Holy Week. On Palm Sunday you likely heard the story called the Passion. There are performances and movies that depict the passion of Jesus. He truly did suffer and humble himself to become man, take on our sins and be crucified for us. Out of passion?

When we give of ourselves for others. Chase a dream through sleepless nights. Humbly serve our brethren. We too find our passion. It is through our dying unto ourselves that others may live.

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion,

some compassion, some humor, and some style. ~ Maya Angelou

People in hospitals are called patients, also the root is patis , and they are those who are also suffering. When we show signs of patience we suffer in silence for others. All these have the same root but numerous meanings. The patience it takes as we chase down our passion in turn can bring us to our knees. We may not stumble under our wooden cross, however we suffer just the same.

Wherever your passion may take you, may you always find the patience and goodwill to share with others. It is through those moments of genuine kindness towards others that we truly live.

As many dreamers do, we at times struggle with our passion. We question ourselves often. The slightest obstacle can cause us to stumble. We allow the thoughts and opinions of others get in the way of our story. It is at these times that our patience will persevere. If our dreams are chased through prayer-laced action, and we share His word, our passion will prevail.

Many times I have felt the need to quit, throw in the towel, or change direction. Each of these times I am challenged whether I have prayed about it. Recently I read Mark Batterson’s  The Circle Maker: Praying Circles Around Your Biggest Dreams and Greatest Fears. It is a book that opened my eyes to what really praying about things meant. I have found when I take and leave my problems at the foot of the cross, they tend to work themselves out. This new-found prayer life has enabled me the strength to continue to pursue my passion.

As Lent comes to a close and the 40 day journey is coming to an end, it is only the beginning. The renewed passion and prayer life enables me to complete my goals. This does not mean there will not be struggles or that I won’t stumble. I am just better prepared to give them up to the One that can ease my path.

Would love to hear from you: Have you read a good book or heard a sermon that has changed your prayer life or helped you in finding the root of passion? Share your thoughts below and join the conversation.




About Charles Johnston

Charles is a Christian, husband and father of fur-kids who shares his walk with others in hopes to help other's along the way.