Good Samaritan, Going Beyond the Parable
One of the most famous parables of Jesus’ teaching is that of the Good Samaritan. After the tragedies that have surrounded the world recently. I think it is timely that it be the reading at church this past Sunday. It is a stark reminder of how we should be treating one another. We have been quick to pass judgment as our newsfeed fills with one senseless event after another. Are we any better now than the priest of Levite in that story? Are we kind to our neighbors, our brothers, and sisters? On the streets between Jerusalem and Jericho, a man robbed, beaten left to die. To die alone as passerby’s ignored his pleas for help. How are we much different as we pass judgment and move to the other side of the street, to avoid each other rather than love one another? Are we led by our faith to where we help those in need? Click To Tweet Homeless, prostitutes, and more, we step to the other side of the road rather than encounter them. The color of someone’s skin makes us angry, or the badge they wear. Refugees from all over the world have become a political hot potato no one wants to touch. Are we not all God’s children? In the parable, it states that we should love our neighbor. “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ ~ Luke […]