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21 Ways to Fill Your Wife’s Bank (Not what you think)

Ways to Fill Your Wife’s Bank (Not what you21 Ways to Fill Your Wife's Bank, wife think)

As a man, scratch that as a married man there are certain challenges every married man faces. We put on fronts and behave like  young adolescents at times in order to maintain appearances.  Appearances that we believe only we can see our true identity.

We put up fronts for our friends and coworkers, we cannot help but have those fronts bleed into our marriages. You see guys whether you like it or not, your wife knows more about the real you than you do.  We spend so much time faking it that we lose ourselves in the process. When this happens you will know, trust me men, you will know.

When your wife begins to feel neglected, she will let it go and begin to fester. You go through your days thinking everything is okay until one day you are blindsided by untold anger. You see while you are busy keeping up with the Joneses and making sure everyone else is happy.  The one we always seem to leave behind is the one that should matter most.

We tend to fill up our free time with things to do, whether it is going to the movies, parties, fundraisers and the like.  Just because we are busy does not really mean we are spending time. Men look at it as if as long as we are keeping a social calendar and taking our wives out we are spending quality time. The issue is the quality time to us is just an empty filler in an already busy schedule to our wife.

Believe it or not that twenty-one (21) minutes you spend watching another senseless sitcom that objectifies women and makes your wife uncomfortable (and should you too).  If you spent that time each day sitting on the couch facing her rather than just next to her. Spend twenty-one minutes a day just talking to each other. The more you feed your marriage the more it will thrive.

It does not take much to fill the love bank in your marriage and be able to have a lifetime of happy withdrawals.

Twenty-one minutes a day just to regroup and get on the same page.  Add in the occasional romantic dinner and a love note every now and then. These simple yet meaningful deposits will grow your wife’s love bank.

Want to add some serious interest to your love bank account make deposits into it by complimenting her beyond the standard  “you look nice”.  Use words and emotion when you express your compliments.  Sharing the way you feel every once and awhile won’t hurt either.

When you really want to rack up dividends and some serious interest, compliment her publicly.  Acknowledge her among your friends and co-workers. The way you treat your wife in public around others has great bearing on the happiness of your marriage behind closed doors as well.

Lastly if you really want to seal the deal and guarantee a happy wife and thereby a happy is the final yet ultimate secret that honestly many men, myself included find most difficult yet it is extremely simple.  When you got married your not only getting married in front of your friends and family but hopefully God as well. Many men tend to leave God at church and forget that he is supposed to come home with you.

As a man you are expected and should want to lead  your marriage and family.  By allowing God to lead you, you in turn are provided the Biblical road map to lead your family.

We should wake every morning thanking God for the blessing of our wife.

We should continue to pray throughout our days for our wife’s love and support as we work hard to provide according to His plan. At night before you lay down to sleep you should pray with your wife, at their feet thanking God for all your blessings.  As you pray with your wife and continue to keep God in your marriage, your love bank will continue to grow as well.

Now its your turn: What simple ways do you fill the love bank in your marriage?  Comment below to share with others.

About Charles Johnston

Charles is a Christian, husband and father of fur-kids who shares his walk with others in hopes to help other's along the way.

12 Replies

  1. Scott

    Does that mean she’ll owe me some interest?!?!

  2. Love this! Definitely have to show it to my husband… I think I’ll just leave the page open and walk away!

  3. Date night my hubby and I set aside 2 Saturdays each month and have a date night with out the kids. Sometimes we go to the movies or out to dinner. Other times we just stay at home playing games that are not kid interrupted 🙂

    1. It is great that you set aside scheduled time, I talk to many married couples with kids that forget to make the alone time for each other.

  4. I think this is a great post! Being honest about how you can fall short in investing time, and correcting that – because knowing that it blesses {your spouse} will bless you, and encourage your marriage to stay alive, instead of become just “one more thing to put on the social calendar.”

    I know that this post was intended for Husbands to wife’s, but I hope that some wives can see it as a post for wives to husbands as well. My husband and I are always both busy. So, sometimes, I know exactly what you mean about the 21 minutes. My husband and I are both guilty.

    One thing my husband really enjoys that I do that fills his bank is fix homemade dinners. I do this every night for him. He also enjoys his shoes being taken off and his feet being rubbed (gotta work on that though! lol) We also like to go for drives and just talk. 🙂

    1. You bring up a great point as both men and women should invest in one another. There are many simple ways that we can continue to built the love bank account. Sometimes all it takes is taking that few minutes to reinvest in one another. Thanks for your great comments!

  5. I think every man should read this post! I’ve been married for over 17 years and my husband could do good to read this! Thanks for sharing!

  6. This is great advice for both men and women! Thanks for sharing!

  7. This is a great post. 21 minutes does not seem like of time, but spent doing something like this will make a huge difference!

  8. We do date night every Thursday night. Also for 60 days, I’m posting something about my wife every day. #onething challenge from a friend’s blog.

  9. great tips. i think my husband really needs to read this lol