SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

How The Life of a Virtual Assistant was Born – (Guest Post)

Today I am honored to have guest blogger Trivinia Barber as my host as she discusses how the life of a Virtual Assistant came about, and how she answered His call. I often wonder what it was that Simon-Peter and Andrew were thinking when a man they had never met before approached them and said, “Come follow me”. Without a second thought, they dropped their nets and went with him. It was several years ago when God spoke into the lives of my husband and me, directing us to care for His children. We ended up adopting a precious daughter, who needed intensive therapy, and extra time and care with us as her new family. While I know we “left our [safety] nets” to obey him in our call to adoption, our call to business wasn’t answered with the same trust. I had spent my time working part-time in my corporate office and part-time working from home. Around the same time we began to really understand the level of care our daughter required, my company was bought out and the new owners gave me a choice: work full-time from the office, or part ways. No matter how you look at it, life as I knew it was ending and there was a fork in the road of the path before me. Family comes first, and I made the obvious choice to care for them above a corporate commute. I began working solely from home. It wasn’t too long before the requests and demands for my services […]

Take a Break (Guest Post)

Today’s Post Take a Break is a Guest Post by my friend Nic, this is his second guest post on SecondIron, where he talks about our need to take a break and getting much-needed rest. Nic is a geek dad, a professional nerd, and a pop culture junkie. He is drawn to any conversation about music, movies, theater, architecture, comics, and theology. You can follow his thoughts about parenthood, corporate life, and the intersection between faith and pop culture at his blog, The Faithful Geek. You can also find him on Twitter and Instagram. Enjoy his guest post Take a Break. Growing up in church with weekly Sunday school lessons, you grow accustomed to Bible stories. They become familiar enough that even people with little to no religious affiliation know how the stories play out. Noah’s ark, Moses and the exodus, David versus Goliath, the birth of Jesus, the crucifixion and resurrection. If your background is similar to mine, you can probably tell these stories without reading directly from scripture. Unfortunately, my favorite Bible story was not one I learned in Sunday school. It is not typically told by children’s workers or youth pastors. In fact, it is a story buried toward the end of Acts that most pastors skip over when teaching about the early church. I cannot remember hearing a single sermon referencing this passage. In case you missed it, I would like to share it with you. Acts 20 summarizes Paul’s travels through Macedonia and Greece after a riot in Ephesus. He caught up with his entourage […]

Self-Acceptance: Is It Truly Possible?

Today I am wrapping up the graduation celebrations and starting a new chapter in my journey. As I turn the page, once again I am turning over my blog to another talented blogger. My guest today, Debra Hennesy will share with you her thought on self -acceptance many can relate to. Join me in giving a warm welcome to Debra.

Self-Acceptance: Is It Truly Possible?

A couple of years ago, I was approached by our high school class president about heading up a committee for our class reunion (okay, I actually brought the subject up to him, so technically I volunteered…WHY do I bring these things on myself?!). This particular reunion was a big milestone for us, so I thought the excitement would be high. As the event grew closer, I started to notice some nervous chatter among my peers; people were anxious about their appearance (Not just women, mind you! Plenty of men joined in!).

It struck me that we as a society tend to use events as “goals” for weight loss: weddings, beach vacations, and yes, what appears to strike fear into many hearts, the dreaded high school reunion! I even heard the comment, “I’m not going unless I lose 20 pounds”…what?! Were we as a class that judgmental, and/or is that person so insecure that he/she wouldn’t feel comfortable attending without a dramatic change? Why is it that, for certain events, we feel like we need to become someone we’re not?