SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

How You Talk to Yourself

We joke about people that we see talking to themselves. We make light of their mental stability. The real question is “How do you talk to yourself?”

We spend much of our life alone. Even if we are married or have kids. It may not seem like we are ever alone. Yet in truth we hang out in our own mind most of the day. We even go to bed together every night. The one person we talk to the most is ourselves.

With self-esteem issues rampant today. We need to be careful how we talk to ourselves. Looking in the mirror in the morning. Seeing the lines, spots and age. Wanting to look different, younger, thinner, prettier. Maybe you grew up being told or thinking you were fat or ugly. Into your mind your own voice starts to creep.

Driving to work, ever notice that you tell others off? You scream and yell with the windows closed. The driver that caused all your angst remains oblivious. Meanwhile you tell yourself what an idiot they are. Your day is already off to a great start. Blood pressure risen, pulse heightened all because of the way you were speaking, to yourself.

Feeding our mind and spirit words of encouragement can be transforming. Whether you spend a few minutes each day speaking affirmations to yourself in the mirror. Maybe it means listening to a motivational audio book on your commute. Perhaps taking the 30 day challenge with K-love can start a trend of positive thinking and in turn speaking.

Too many people dwell on the negative aspects of the world. They would rather spew hateful rhetoric than words of kindness. We must challenge the status quo. Speaking words of encouragement unto ourselves. Bless those that may curse you. By turning the other cheek in the mirror. We may event change the world starting with how we speak to ourselves. What words of kindness and inspiration do you speak into your own heart?

As a kid I read a lot, okay maybe excessively. I read the dictionary and the Encyclopedia for fun. Reading was my refuge from the world. I spent so hours reading about the tragedies of the world that my language turned bitter. Between the neglect and abandonment I felt, I began to use self loathing talk as a means to fit in or at least get by. Years went by and the way I talked about myself and to myself reflected in the way I treated others.

When you grow up feeling inadequate those feelings follow you. Used to being compared to the successes of others. Being told you were stupid, or should have never been born. A person can develop a failure mentality. They begin to despise who looks back at them in the mirror. They withhold emotions from others amidst their self-deprecating lifestyle.

Why I Wanna Be Like Mike

Men today need role models to help set our sites on success. Sometimes these role models are found in unusual places and circumstances. In the world today we will take any and all we can find. Remember the commercials featuring brown-haired Mikey, where he liked his LIFE cereal. The “Mikey Likes It” commercials if shown today would probably go ‘viral’. Then there were the commercials featuring Michael Jordan. “I wanna be like Mike” became one of the biggest slogans of all time. Everyone wanted to be like Mike. If this were the case today. Well we would all be running around in tag-less tighty-whiteys and t-shirts. With all the political and civil unrest lately. The violence in our communities around the country that has brought Lady Liberty to her knees. We search for answers and a need for understanding. The Michael Brown tragedy has become a pinnacle of civil unrest around the country. The racial divide has become a chasm in a matter of weeks. We have had looting and rioters in our streets. This tragedy among others recently has brought about anger and animosity. Anyone looking in from the outside could assume we are a country destined for self-destruction. We look to our leadership for guidance and yet instead they take sides. Rather than dealing with the core problems we face our own genocide. A country built on the backbone of faith needs to rebuild upon its foundation. Few words of wisdom that I came across that may provide some answers. “Dirty Jobs” mogul and now star in […]

10 Leadership Quotes

I am an avid reader of books especially those that have leadership quotes that are of benefit to myself and those around me.  Generally my book choices consist of motivational, self-help, faith-based and leadership.  Sometimes the books consist of all of these and more.  When reading I look for great original quotes that I can journal as well as share with others.  photo credit: marierleslie via photopin cc    Here are 10 Leadership Quotes from books recently read. People lose their way when they lose their why. Conversely, people find their way when they connect with their why. – Michael Hyatt @MichaelHyatt Click To Tweet Failure will never overtake me if my determination to succeed is strong enough. -Og Mandino @theoggroup Click To Tweet Change is your friend not your foe, change is a brilliant opportunity to grow. – Simon T. Bailey @SimonTBailey Click To Tweet Leadership is not just about what you do but what you can inspire, encourage and empower others to do. – Jon Gordon @JonGordon11 Click To Tweet You don’t need a plan; you just need to be present. – Bob Goff @BobGoff Click To Tweet Praise without specifics can be worse than no praise at all. – Joel Manby @JoelManby Click To Tweet Wake up and write. It doesn’t matter what it is, just write whatever comes to mind. – Jeffrey Gitomer @Gitomer Click To Tweet Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good – Malcolm Gladwell Click To Tweet […]