Where Will You Be in 40 Days?
Can you believe it, Lent is already upon us again. Today we prepare our hearts and minds for our 40-day journey. 40 days in the scheme of things is not that long, yet it sounds intimidating every year. We contemplate the past year as we decide what we will give up this year. My question for you is, did you give it up last year? I mean truth be told did you go without for 40 days? Or did you just do a little less of what you likely should not be doing anyway? I find it interesting how many people give up chocolate, soda, sugar, salt or social media for Lent. The first one will be a real test as valentine’s day comes after you already gave it up. What if instead of giving up, you gave UP? Click To Tweet I mean what if for the next 40 days you read scripture every day? Or perhaps did a 40 day devotional (likely a reason most devotionals are 40 days long huh?) Spending the next 40 days pressing into God’s word, where would you be in 40 days from now? I know some of you already read the Bible every day, how about adding 40 days of prayer then? You already do that? Then try doubling your efforts. When Jesus spent 40 days in the desert, he was not out there longing for chocolate. He spent his time in prayer and devotion. He prayed for you as he suffered. Perhaps we can follow his […]