SecondIron's Blog

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Kari Jobe “The Garden”, Review and Giveaway

Come to the garden, rest your weary head, and listen. Listen to the heavenly vocals of Kari Jobe, get lost in her songs of pure worship. Personally, I have been a fan of Kari Jobe ever since I took my wife to see her in an intimate church setting a few years ago. Her passion for worship came through in every note. One could get lost in the ethereal bliss of that room that night, and anytime you listen to Kari Jobe’s praise as she uses the gifts of her voice to minister to others. When I saw she was bringing a new album entitled The Garden out this month, I could not wait. I knew that it would bring forth a spiritual awakening inside of me. As I absorbed each track, her voice was sweet like nectar to my ears. We have always viewed as “the garden” being the beginning of man’s downfall. What if as Christians we looked beyond the apple, to the cross? Then I saw The Garden, hope had come to me… #TheGarden Click To Tweet Kari takes her listeners on a rhythmical journey of sorrow, pain, healing and joy. Each track sets aside its story, stories that soothe our weary souls. She takes every emotion from fear, worry, anxiety, doubt and gives it all up in prayer. The Garden is a not just another worship album from another Christian artist. This is an album of prayer put to music to reach the ears of God to give Him all our burdens. […]

The Only Christmas Gift Guide You Need

Many gift guides on the internet come loaded with affiliate links, this is not one of them. This year’s guide is a little different, the only one you will need. I have curated a list of unique gifts by fellow entrepreneurs. I have not asked them for any referral codes, nor will I benefit in any way with one exception. That one exception being, having the sheer joy of highlighting their brands for no other reason but because I believe in them and think others might too. Hope Bridges Coffee – as a coffee drinker, there is a vast difference between coffee and good coffee. Hope Bridges happens to roast good coffee that in turn enables them to do good in Thailand. Recycled Firefighter – “Are you looking for tough, unique, and top quality front pocket wallets, backpacks, or other manly gear?” I personally use and love these wallets made out of repurposed fire hose . And a portion of all sales goes to local burn victims. Chunky Junk Jewelry  – Founded for the love of the children of India, Chunky Junk is a fair trade organization that believes in not only supporting but pouring back into the communities they support. Sprymind Coloring Books – Remember the joy a coloring book gave you as a child? The same joy can be found as adults with these handcrafted works of art. Spend hours coloring memories of your past with the creative crafts of Sprymind. Dishonor: One Soldier’s Journey from Desertion to Redemption by David Mike – One of […]

A little Automation goes a long way.

Automation is an ongoing trend. Everywhere we look there is a new technology awaiting us. Yet automation goes beyond what we typically think it to be and we have barely scratched the surface of its capabilities . As a self-proclaimed techie, I am always on the lookout for the newest gadgets. However, I  usually do my due diligence before buying the latest tech as much gets shelved after the warm and fuzzies wear off. Anyone knows that most technology is out of date before it ever hits the store shelves for the consumer . Recently I gave in to the novelty of Amazon Alexa. I held out and did not buy the Echo. Nor did I jump at the 1st generation of the Dot, yes there was a 1st, we are now into the 2nd generation. It is the 2nd generation Dot that peaked my inner geek to deploy a little automation. Weeks of programming can save you hours of planning. Click To Tweet When it first arrived, I thought it was a bit silly looking. Actually, it looks kind of like a hockey puck with lights. However, after plugging it in and connecting it to my WiFi network, I then connected it to the Alexa app on my phone, opinions began to change. I had also ordered a starter set of Phillips Hue lights with a bridge to interact with the Alexa Dot. For those that don’t know that basically means I can control the lights in my house by voice commands to Alexa. The […]