SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

My Year in Review (2015)

We are coming to the end of another life changing year. When I look back over the past twelve months of 2015, it has been quite a journey for us all. As I reflect back over 2015 I have already started to lean forward into 2016. Nothing happens without a plan, and it looks like it will be another amazing year for the record books just as this past year has been. Before I get too far ahead it is best to take stock in the humbling events that 2015 brought us through. I wrote about a hundred blog posts, had numerous guest bloggers join me and share their stories along the way. Thousands more readers visited my blog this year versus last, and many of you have commented and shared your thoughts. I was humbled throughout the year as you shared the posts with your friends and family both in person and on social media. You joined me as I traveled to Haiti on my first mission trip, and supported me as I fought writers block as I wrote my first book. You were by my side as I finally graduated college and faced numerous fears and obstacles. Without you, my readers none of this would matter, better yet much would likely never have happened. As we close out the year I simply want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I look forward to sharing more of my story with you and, in turn, hearing about yours in the months and […]

I Could Use Your Help! 2015 Reader Survey and Giveaway

2015 has been an incredible year for me and hopefully you as well. As the year winds down I count the blessings that I have been able to share with you. I have been blessed by our conversations and humbled to have been your servant of words this past year. I have shared my ups and downs, opinions and reviews and you have all stood by my ramblings. Your contributions in the form of comments as well as sharing the conversations with others has been an incredible experience. SecondIron’s Blog just reached a huge milestone of being in existence two years! Almost two hundred posts so far it has been quite a journey, none of which could happen without you! Those of you that have been with me since the beginning, and those that have come across my musings in the numerous groups and social media outlets, as well as those that may be reading this blog for the first time, to all of you THANK YOU! I have put together a brief 10-question survey for you to help me to provide more valuable content in the upcoming year. 2016 is already mapping out to be an exciting year of changes.  The survey will provide you an opportunity to have a voice, each and every survey (no matter how many or how lengthy the answers) will be read diligently by me personally. I value each and every one of you as my readers and in turn value your thoughts and feedback. In return for the […]

We are Called to Love Our Neighbor

We were given the great commission to make disciples and to love our neighbor. Yet many of us don’t love our own neighbor much less those on the other side of the world. Do you have a neighbor that is loud and parties alot, or one that perhaps does not mow their yard regularly. Maybe it’s your coworkers that annoy you to no end. When is the last time you prayed for your neighbor? Not counting the prayers when you asked for patience or tolerance. But prayers offered for them that you may show them the love Jesus asked you to share. In the time that it takes you to read this people are making their way to the feet of Jesus but may not be allowed in his company (Luke 13:27). Do you want to be the one sitting by letting them take their chances? Or would you rather be to one to show them the LOVE Jesus has shared with you by sharing it with them. In sharing the word with your neighbors you answer the call. In answering the call you complete the great commission we are called to serve. Mission work and discipleship starts at home in our own neighborhoods. Finding ways to bless those that are less fortunate we stave off the need in our own neighborhood. We live lives of excess meanwhile there are those that are starving either physically, spirituality or both living next door. You might think that you don’t have anything that your neighbors need or want. […]