SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Everyone Knows the devil is a Liar

Recently I have been in a battle with the devil and the devil is a liar. Anyone that has a big goal in their sights whether it be a promotion, vacation, graduation, mission trip whatever it may be you will be dragged out into the desert to meet the devil. It may not last a full 40 days of temptation as it did for Jesus. I bet it will start around the 40 day mark before your goal though. The devil will use every tool he can to stop you from reaching your goal, after all the devil is a liar. Back in the end of March and early April the devil and I danced a few rounds before my graduation in May. He got in my head and fed me lies I had heard before. I was weak and almost fell to his ploy. In my last semester of college I was ready to quit. I was convinced that the words I had heard most my life were true. “I was not good enough“, “I never will finish” or “amount to anything“. It took other prayer warriors to fight with me to battle off the lies. I was prayed for and prayed over, yet he still kept coming. It was not until I sent him packing that he left me be… for a time. You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because […]

Do You Have Mighty Big Shoes to Fill?

Growing up I heard that I had  “mighty big shoes to fill” quite often. Many people grow up thinking they want to be like someone else. Whether we are trying to follow the footsteps of our father, or in my case grandfather or some other person we want to be like. The shoes we long to fill seem unobtainable and never the right size or fit. Shoes are usually pretty personal, I don’t know too many guys that share their sneakers with their friends. Yet we spend much of our lives trying to fill the shoes of others before us. We spend our childhood looking up to others. It could be a family member, friend, or even a church or community leader. Hoping to be like them, we change who we were born to be. Sometimes we spend such an effort to be like someone else we begin to forget who we really are. We might talk differently, hang out with an unusual crowd. Maybe we work at places that challenge our morals, all just to be like someone else who we think has it all. I’ve got big shoes to fill. This is my chance to do something. I have to seize the moment. ~ Andrew Jackson All the meanwhile we ignore God’s design for our own lives. Getting consumed by the expectations of others we fail to see our creators fingerprints and true beauty. Forgoing our own destiny we chase after dreams, fancy clothes and fast cars trying to fill a void we […]

Release the Healing Power of Forgiveness

When a patient learns they have an illness or disease, they look for ways to fight back. When we are struggling with failure and the ability to succeed, we look for ways to go to battle. Before we can truly move forward we sometimes have to look back.

Forgiveness is one weapon that we have to use yet many would rather leave it behind. We are embattled with struggles of self-worth and the emotional pain of our past we are unable to fight.

In the release of the pain, resentment, anger we break the chains that bind us. These chains could be from the way your father treated you as a child. Maybe you were betrayed by a friend or family member. You might be holding on to secrets of your own that are like a heavy weight around your neck. Perhaps your own decisions or lifestyle burden you.

Only you can break these chains. It may be through your faith in God, your healing Father that you can forgive. Absolution of your own wrongs through the healing power of repentance.

It may be someone else that you must forgive. Your own anger interferes with your forgiveness of them. Or you don’t believe that you hold the power to forgive because of your own sins.

Forgiving and being forgiven are two names for the same thing. The important thing is that a discord has been resolved. ~ C.S. Lewis

Broken relationships between families can be the hardest to mend. Many men struggle in their marriages and relationships due to the resentment they still carry towards their fathers. Women suffer from esteem issues, eating disorders and worse due to they were abused or mistreated by the men in their past.