Why It Is Time I Fire Myself
I have decided it is the time that I fire myself. I have been working at the same job for too long. It is time for a fresh start. I know a bit harsh, and you are likely wondering how can I fire myself? Many people stay stuck in their jobs for too long. Whether it is out of comfort or complacency, the results are the same. The same goes for those of us that are generous with our talents. We give away products or services to help someone out. Or perhaps it is so you can gain experience yourself. What the poop! (stole it from a friend of mine) Are you crazy? Time is money and generous or not there comes a time when the gravy train needs to come to a screeching halt. There is a misnomer out there that freelance means free. Hate to rain on your parade but umm yeah ‘no.’ You work hard for your money as do we. Freelance means we have more freedom to serve the clients we choose rather than being tied to a paycheck. That is not to say we don’t want and expect to be paid. Nor does it give you the right or freedom to ask us to do so. “A different world cannot be built by indifferent people.” Peter Marshall Click To Tweet Therefore, I have decided it is the time I fire myself. I resign to the fact that I will no longer work for free. There is no such thing as […]