SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Small Fish in a Big Pond …

small fish

photo credit: Omar Eduardo via photopin cc

Ever feel like a small fish in a big pond?

Many think it is better to be the big fish right?

As a blogger we all feel like small fish that are trying to get noticed.

We blog regularly, we share our hearts in our words. Yet not even a nibble in the vast sea of bloggers.

And we read others blogs to see what it is that they are doing different. Checking our stats, commenting on others. Hoping that one day our small voices in this chaotic world might be heard.

Writing is not as self-serving as it seems. We write from our wounds in hopes that you might heal. Sharing our experiences and leaving it all on the page. If we touch one life and make it a little better. All the sleepless nights and caffeine highs are worth the cost.

A small fish in a big pond can be just as influential as a big fish in a small pond. It is all a matter of how we use our influence to impact lives of our readers.

Knowing that you have read my words, and that you keep coming back. This gives me the strength to continue to share. We all have a story, a voice so to speak. I share mine so that you can read, share and repeat.

No matter how big or small the pond or lake may be. We may all be small fish but we can still make a ripple. These ripples are contagious and can become waves across the web.

Small fish grow into big fish yet the pond or lake remains the same. I write my story so that one day you will get hooked.

Without you I would not have stats or tweets or return readers that share my art. Thank you for reading and allowing my voice to be a ripple in your world.

 Now its your turn: As always I welcome your comments to continue the conversation with others. Which would you rather be a small fish in a big pond or a big fish in a little one?


About Charles Johnston

Charles is a Christian, husband and father of fur-kids who shares his walk with others in hopes to help other's along the way.

6 Replies

  1. I probably have this debate monthly myself as a blogger, I’ve decided that because my family is important and I don’t want this to be all I’m remembered for to stay a smaller fish.

    1. Good point, sometimes our hobbies can be consuming especially if we feel we are succeeding and that can get in the way of our family and other priorities.

  2. I like being a small fish in a big pond! I find more creative inspiration in that situation.

    1. There can definitely be more creativity when you don’t have everyone looking..

  3. I think big fish, small pond. More personal.

    1. The personal appeal of a small pond definitely has its appeal.