SecondIron's Blog

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Chasing Lions and Other 500 Lb Dreams

Are you a dreamer,  I hope you are or you are missing out on much of God’s glory. Throughout the Bible there are dreamers. Some prophesied over the lives of others while others made their own dreams a reality. When is the last time you chased down your BHAG (Big Hairy Audacious Goal) like it was a 500 Lb lion? Perhaps your dreams are more like cute lion cubs than ferocious lions. If that is the case your dream is not big enough. God-sized dreams are what our lives are made to chase after. Chase them deep into the cold pits, until we conquer them. Lion Chasers don’t run away from what they’re afraid of, they run to the roar. @markbatterson Click To Tweet In order for God to work through us and make our dreams a reality, we need to show up and show off. Talking about a dream but taking no action is just hot air, the Internet is full of that these days. Unless your dream scares you and is a God-sized dream, then it is just a wish, not a dream. I have been a fan of Mark Batterson since I read the Circle Maker a year or so ago. In fact, I just wrapped up my second round of his forty-day devotional  online of his book Draw the Circle: The 40 Day Prayer Challenge. I have also read If, and am waiting on Wild Goose Chase.  I preparing to read All In. Chase the Lion: If Your Dream Doesn’t Scare You, It’s […]