SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Road back to the Abbey

The Road to the Abbey is full of great memories. It’s amazing how life takes some twists and turns taking you back to where you used to be. This past weekend I took a trip to Fort Mills, South Carolina with my wife. She was going to attend a women’s conference.  I was taking time for a much-needed  break away. Having some time to reflect and finish my college degree that I wrap up next week. During my visit I decided to make a short road trip to my Alma Mater, Belmont Abbey which I attended back in 1990- 1992 in Belmont North Carolina. While visiting I began to realize that even though we’re on separate paths and never really know where our destination is, life still comes full circle. As I walked around the campus and write this,  I am amazed at the transformation. Over the past 25 years, new buildings went up around campus. What used to be just an empty field now had soccer bleachers and a baseball diamond. While I was there on this journey I had time to do some self-reflection. Beginning to realize that the last 25 years that I thought were wasted we’re actually just part of a bigger journey. I would not be the person that I am today if I hadn’t made mistakes and decisions over the last few decades. As I wrap up my last semester in college this week and get ready for my graduation 25 years later. I can look back with pride in that although I may not have taken the path others […]