SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

2015 Survey Question Results Revealed

A few weeks ago I had asked my readers to provide some feedback on my blog. In creating a ten question survey I was able to get a good idea of what my readers wanted. This feedback will help me shape the blog and provide content of value. I hope you find this information of value as well and I invite you to share your insight as well. Question 1 – What is your age? This question is helpful in knowing what age group usually reads the content. 26.92% 45-54 19.23% 35-44 19.23% 25-34 15.38% 55-64 11.54% 18-24 7.69% 65-74 Question 2 – Are you male or female? 68% Male, 32% female Question 3 – How often do you read my blog? 61.54% First Time Visitors 11.54% Every Now and then 15.38 1-2 Times a month 7.69% Every time there is a new post 3.85% 2-3 times a week I would likely combine the last 2 as I generally blog 2-3 times a week. If you subscribe you will get notified of new content. Question 4 – Are you a subscriber? 84% No 16% Yes – Makes one wonder with so many that read it what keeps them from subscribing? Question 5 – How likely is it that you would recommend SecondIron’s Blog to a friend or colleague? 74% detractor, 17% passive and 9% promoters for a net promoter score of -65. Need to improve content of value to be more sharable. Question 6 – What Topics Interest You the most? Leadership 57.69% Tips and […]

Please take my first 2015 annual Blog Survey

Blessed SecondIron Readers, I am humbly coming to you to ask for your honest feedback on SecondIron’s Blog, so that I may serve you better. In order for me to serve you better, we need to get to know one another a bit. By learning your interests and style will allow me to provide relevant content over the upcoming year. In order for us to have this conversation I have created this 2015 Annual Blog Survey. I wish we could meet over a nice cup of java and chat awhile (option open to anyone that would like to stop by my hometown). In the meantime a few questions and a couple of minutes of your time will help out immensely. SecondIron’s Blog has been around for just over a year and a hundred or so posts. In that time I have shared some of my faith walk, books reviews, movies and more. In order to ensure that I continue providing the information and content you want our little chat will be valuable. The results are anonymous so please be honest as the community can only improve if we are all in the discussion. Thank you in advance for sharing your thoughts, filling out the quick survey and that cup of coffee if you so choose (my treat). Best regards and blessings, Charles Johnston