SecondIron's Blog

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10 Blogger Tips To Get Noticed

10 Blogger Tips To Get Noticed. As a blogger we all have our own ways of doing the same things. Ultimately our goal is to have our voices heard. Some will do it with headlines, others with extreme SEO while others base it on their content alone. No matter what you write if it is engaging and interesting people will read it, otherwise … well. There are a few basic guidelines that if you follow them at least to some extent you might get noticed. Choose your topic – it really does not matter what the topic, as long as you choose one. Many bloggers take a shotgun approach and try to cover everything and in turn cover nothing. Whatever the topic stick with it, which is why you are being read in the first place. Nothing worse than a headline about leadership that spills into a story about your dog and peanut butter cookies. There are at least three posts in that one sentence if not more. Short and sweet – very blogger that has anything to say will start with nothing and in minutes have a book. Keep your blog posts short. The experts say anywhere from 500 to 1000 words with the happy medium around 700. Anymore and well you probably won’t get read. Break it up if you have to, make it bite size nuggets of great content. Edit your work – one of the biggest detractors is someone who cannot spell. Grammar and punctuation is not as important, but at least […]