SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Blood, Water and a Little Jars of Clay

A chilly brisk breeze was in the air as we waited outside the Murray Hill Theater discussing with others in line about the shows that we had seen there before.  There was your normal fare of the regulars along with some new comers that stumbled across the venue one way or another. This evening was a little different from most as we were there to raise awareness and funds for a nonprofit and the band that started the charity just happened to be putting on the show.  Instead of the normal merchandise and promotions that go along with most concerts this band came in under the limelight almost unannounced and put on a great show. The focus of the evening was the ‘Blood Water Mission’, which is a grassroots organization that is working hand in hand with the African communities to combat the HIV/Water crisis in their area.  The organization was founded in 2004 and has since raised 22 million by creative donors that helps support over a million people in 11 countries. By empowering the Africans and making heroes in their own countries they have been able to provide access to clean drinking water to almost 900k people and medication for HIV treatment for over 40k people over the span of 10 years. The band Jars of Clay started this organization with a simple concept of taking what you would normally spend on a cup of java and donating that amount.  Imagine a world where every dollar that you donate provided clean drinking water […]