SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

When We Choose Faith Over Religion

For many years, I like many people thought I was a pretty faith filled religious person. I went to church every Sunday. I tithed and volunteered at the church when I could. I prayed over my meals, and before I went to bed. This all makes for a faithful religious person or so I thought. We spend our days giving praise and glory to God. Striving to be a good person and follow His commandments. Spending time each day reading His word , that too grows our religion right? As we strive to grow our religion and find measurements to tally our success we miss the mark. We miss it by focusing on the religion rather than on the faith. Faith does not come from appearances or how much we put in the Offertory basket. Being religious is practicing the doctrine that we have been taught, yet with little understanding. Faith however is believing in the unseen, unproven being because we believe. Faith is doing good works out of true charity of heart not to count the cost. Faith is believing in a higher power beyond the pulpit. Some of the most faithful servants I have known never stepped foot in a church for service. They were faithful stewards that loved and honored God through their actions not words. They served God and his people not for recognition or power but solely out of love. Society gets lost in the representation of religion that true faith gets lost. Churches are focused on raising money more than raising […]