SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

5 Reasons Why You Should go to Conferences

Did you know there are conferences for just about any niche these days? I get asked all the time why do I go to conferences? The answer should be simple. I go to conferences for many reasons that I cannot narrow it down to just one. You see every conference is different. But yet they are so much the same. This past weekend I spent at Word Camp a conference for WordPress users and developers. This coming weekend I will be in Atlanta for a conference for dreamers. One I was an attendee the other I will also have the opportunity to speak at during a panel discussion. Both conferences I am attending for many of the same reasons as I am always seeking to learn from others. For me, conferences are like little mental vacations: a chance to go visit an interesting place for a couple of days, and come back rested and refreshed with new ideas and perspectives. ~Erin McKean Here are a few reasons you should go to conferences, even if you know nothing about the conference. 5 Reasons Why You Should go to Conferences 1. You will learn –  If you want to be a leader in your industry you must always be learning new skills. Even if you think you are a master of your trade, there is always someone else that knows more. What better way to learn than from those who know first hand. Perhaps it is not your business idol that is the main speaker at the […]