SecondIron's Blog

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Merry Christmas – Welcome to the Greatest Conspiracy Ever

As you celebrate Christmas, you have become part of a conspiracy. A fantastic conspiracy that had spread around the world like Santa’s sleigh. Along with millions of other people around the world you will likely spend today sharing gifts. Gifts, thought out and well planned. Gifts both big and small that will express the greatest gift of all, love. Over two thousand years ago in a manger far far away was the first Christmas gift ever given. A gift so big that He gave his only begotten son for each and every one of us. He was born into this world to take away our sin, this spotless victim of God’s greatest gift, love. He was Love,  He is Love everlasting. This baby whose birth we celebrate with gifts today, He is love. Gifts of love, as we welcome Him into our homes on this Christmas day. A love so great that He lives within each of us every day throughout the year. Along with all the Christians of the world you have become a part of this conspiracy to share and show God’s love. Each of us have been called to go out and make disciples in His name. Share the faith, hope and love our loving heavenly Father has provided in the form of a new-born child. The son of God became a man to enable men to become sons of God. ~ C.S. Lewis Click To Tweet Will you join me in the great conspiracy of Christmas, the great conspiracy to share His eternal […]