SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

How Scrivener Helped Me Win My First NanoWrimo

For some you may be thinking what the heck is Scrivener, better yet what is NanoWrimo. As a writer they are indispensable ways to write your first novel or even fiftieth. Let me start by saying I am tired, worn out and whooped from competing in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo)  a writing competition the entire month of November. I had to rely on some incredible bloggers to guest blog for me over the month as I wrote my first novel. OK well sort of novel, I wrote 50,350 words in a month and compiled it into a story. Is it finished? Not really, it is 50k more words written of my first novel than I would have had if I did not participate.  I struggled through fear, extreme mood swings, emotional turmoil and sheer exhaustion yet I kept writing. I wrote in the morning, lunchtime and night, words consumed me for days on end. I had been told for years that I needed to tell my story, I cannot claim the words I wrote to be my story per se, yet they are fiction inspired and based on truth like many books would be better to claim to be. Whether the work actually will make it to print remains to be seen, at least for public consumption. However without Scrivener it is quite likely is simply would be a bunch of words making little real sense. I purchased a license to Scrivener and even became an affiliate as I felt the software was made […]

A Little Caring Goes a Long Way

As an entrepreneur or blogger, a leader or follower, a business owner or non-profit volunteer there is one thing that is in common with all walks of life that rings true.  People will believe you, trust you and follow you if you care. Many might scoff at that and say, of course I care, I wouldn’t be doing what I am doing if I didn’t care.’  … Really? What would happen if you went through the day paying attention to people’s needs rather than your own.  Try the next time you pass the homeless in the street, rather than avoiding them or tossing them some loose change, how about shaking their hand and asking them about their day. Many people start out a dream or journey because they are passionate about it, or because it happens to pay the bills.  Very few actually care about not only what they do but also why they do it and for whom.  Whether you are bagging groceries at the local supermarket, or a barista at the neighborhood coffee shop it is much easier to spend our days caring about what we do. Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is your power to do it. – Prov 3:27 Click To Tweet So you happen to sit behind a desk writing code or doing monotonous accounting, who says the job has to be a drag and that you should not care.

Following Is Winning

As promised here is the lowdown, skinny and well in a nutshell the perks of subscribing and sharing this new blog.  The guidelines are simple but will need to be followed. Guidelines: Subscribe to Follow me on Twitter @cjohnstonjax Tweet the following tweet “I found this new blog that is fantastic. Check it out and you too could sharpen iron. Tweet and ReTweet as much as possible, each time be sure to tag #secondiron, # or @cjohnstonjax There will be two prize packages to be given out one to the top tweeter or retweeter and one to the new followers or subscribers. Package One : AudioBooks Package Two: Books   The contest will end on Saturday January 18th and the winners will be notified via tweet upon choosing. Best of luck to you all, please remember subscribing, following and sharing is how you can win.  Follow my blog for future contests and content as well.  Iron Sharpens Iron. Blessings, CJ Follow me here