SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Happy Father’s Day, Every Day

Ever meet someone that is adopted and wonder what it was like to be them on days like today? Being “Father’s Day” there is much that is implied with the word Father. The true definition is “ a man in relation to his natural child or children.” So if you were born into this world and abandoned by your biological father, should you not celebrate “father’s day?” There are many men that happen to have a biological relationship with their children that come nowhere near being a father. They just happen to have played 50% in the creation but not always the development of the child. In my case, 100% of my biological relationships walked out on me as a child. After spending the first few years of my life in foster care, finally, I was adopted. Adoption is not all that it is cracked up to be through. Even then I really never understood what having a father meant. It was the relationship a boy looks for in his father, that was still something I sought. Don’t get me wrong, I had a dad and a mom, who both took care of my necessities like clothing, food, and shelter, things many people take for granted. Yet, a father seemed to still be something or someone that I was missing. I can remember clear as day when I had acted up and spouted off and talked back to my dad. The words rang in my ears for days, months, years after. “I am your father, […]

Father’s Day Gifts No Matter What Kind of Dad You Have

Father’s day is coming up once again. Many will scramble to find an ugly tie or a last minute card or some other Father’s Day gift. One that will end up buried in a drawer, closet or the bottom of the trash can on trash day. Perhaps a little legwork and insight will help pick the right gift for the type of father you have. I have compiled a list of father types and aligned them with perfect gifts to help remove all your angst and anxiety. I mean celebrating someone who no matter your age still intimidates you is bad enough am I right? No sense in making the gift process just as bad. 1.) All business all the time – What better a gift than one that will last him a lifetime. Saddleback Leather Company make the perfect accessory from wallet to briefcase and more that will last for generations to come. Hint: invest wisely as it could become yours one day. 2.) Forgetful father – as our parents age they begin to become more childlike. What better way to stimulate their mind and bring back childhood memories than a coloring book of classic cars or fishing lore created by Spry mind. 3.) Mission Minded – Many fathers are looking for more out of their life. They work hard for their money, but that is not always enough. As leaders of the family, they want to set an example for others to follow. How about a gift that goes further? Whether it be a ministry serving the […]

An Open Letter to the Dad I never knew

Dear Dad, I am writing this letter, and I hope it finds you in good health.  That probably sounds strange since we have not talked in many years or perhaps ever. Either way, I wish you only the best today which is different from the way it has been. I have tried to write this letter many times before and never succeeded. However, I do have a few things I would like to share with you, things I think you should know. When you walked away and left me behind, you left more than just a child. You left behind a part of you in me that I have had to live with my entire life, up until now. I doubt I cried tears when you left, at least not over your leaving. Perhaps when the hunger and dirty diapers that kicked in, I likely shed some tears, but they were not for you. I would have to have known you to cry for you, or so I thought. Growing up I got used to being called names like a bastard, I mean you did leave so it was somewhat accurate. Then again are you a bastard when both parents leave? Anyway, I digress, where was I? Oh yeah… As a child, it was uncomfortable never really fitting in. Fights were normal as I always felt alone and out-of-place. Anyone that called be a bas”….” or “son of a b….” , well those were fighting words.  I had parents, but they did not look like me. I had anger […]