SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

We are Called to Love Our Neighbor

We were given the great commission to make disciples and to love our neighbor. Yet many of us don’t love our own neighbor much less those on the other side of the world. Do you have a neighbor that is loud and parties alot, or one that perhaps does not mow their yard regularly. Maybe it’s your coworkers that annoy you to no end. When is the last time you prayed for your neighbor? Not counting the prayers when you asked for patience or tolerance. But prayers offered for them that you may show them the love Jesus asked you to share. In the time that it takes you to read this people are making their way to the feet of Jesus but may not be allowed in his company (Luke 13:27). Do you want to be the one sitting by letting them take their chances? Or would you rather be to one to show them the LOVE Jesus has shared with you by sharing it with them. In sharing the word with your neighbors you answer the call. In answering the call you complete the great commission we are called to serve. Mission work and discipleship starts at home in our own neighborhoods. Finding ways to bless those that are less fortunate we stave off the need in our own neighborhood. We live lives of excess meanwhile there are those that are starving either physically, spirituality or both living next door. You might think that you don’t have anything that your neighbors need or want. […]

Does Your Church Make You Uncomfortable?

Ever wonder if you spend too much time at church? Before I have pastors and priests clamoring to silence me let me explain the question a bit. Many people myself included feel that going to church means the obligatory Sunday mass and maybe a Wednesday night all depending. There is nothing wrong with this model and many parishes spend a great deal of money to make you comfortable when you attend.  Instead of  church being held where people may gather. We build great buildings, shrines which invite people to come inside however, is that where we are called to be? Comfortable pews, great worship music,  a dynamic preacher and likely air conditioning of some sort sounds like church right? Is this is a place that will get you to be uncomfortable while providing coffee and donuts?  Probably not. Are you excited to go serve your community when you leave church or to get home and watch the game? Click To Tweet Imagine attending church outside on a mountain top. Maybe in a field with hundreds of your best friends. Perhaps church is on the beach at daybreak as you baptize one another in the vast ocean. Does not really sound like the church you know does it? Where two or more are gathered as long as they are comfortable, not sure that’s how I read it. I don’t believe Jesus asked John to meet him six weeks from now after we meet with the high priest so you can then pour a little water on […]

How to Separate the Disciple From the Christian

Much discussion has occurred lately on the flaws of Christians and how many of us behave towards others.

How to Separate the Disciples From the ChristiansPeople fly under the label of being ‘Christian’ as if it is an excuse to behave poorly. They have become judge and jury for those that step out of alignment with their beliefs. Holding themselves to a set of laws that were written thousands of years ago and adapted them to meet their needs and to be able to admonish others while condoning their own behavior.

I recently listened to the first two parts of an ongoing podcast series by Andy Stanley. The podcast titled ‘Christian:Brand Recognition’ tugged at my own heart. Over the past several months I have had an internal debate that at times has been vocalized. Feeling frustrated with my Christian brethren that claim to be disciples yet did not behave ‘Christian.’

A bit disenfranchised with the behavior of Christians as of late, I began to wonder. How can people who call themselves Christians be so hateful? We have become judgmental, homophobic and sometimes even worse. Standing high on our pillars we cast a disparaging eye on those that don’t meet our expectations.

I frequently am reminded of the quote attributed to Ghandi many years ago “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.” These are powerful words spoken about a people who claim to be followers of Christ.

Is this really what being a Christian is supposed to be about? Maybe I am not so much a Christian as I hoped to be?