SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Giveaway $25 Family Christian Gift Card (Review)

Ever want to brighten your day, I would say visit your local Family Christian store. I have been a patron of Family Christian stores ever since my wife introduced me to them over a decade ago. Since then it has become a traditional store for us to visit. Usually around Christmas time as well as when there is a birthday or other celebration coming up. One thing that I have noticed about any Family Christian Store I have been in, it’s the people. My latest trip to my local store this past week was no exception. Driving out there on my lunch break, in hopes that I would be able to get in and out quickly. I was greeted by the assistant manager, Patricia with a smile and words of blessings. Only after the cheerful greeting did she offer assistance. Unlike many retail stores, you could tell her spirit and heart truly meant the words she shared. After declining her generous offer to help, I proceeded to peruse around the store. There was a buy one get one 50% off Sale going on that peaked my interest. With brick and mortar stores these days, without an appealing sale, people are inclined to stay at home and order off the web. I wandered around the store and before I knew it I had been there over thirty minutes. Still with no purchase in hand. It was not for not finding one; it was from finding so many and having to decide. Finally, I chose two books by Stan Toler that I […]