SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Pitter-Patter Paw Prints Across My Heart

Have you ever lost a pet? Or better yet have you outlived your pet? If so then you know the empty hole that they can leave. As a pet owner since early childhood, I have endured living beyond their time all too many times. It never gets easier, and you don’t miss them any less. I woke this morning to a quiet house. Well, as quiet as a house with three large, needy rescue pups can be. It was quiet as I did not have the motion detected Hue light come on before I entered our front room. Quiet, without a hungry, sleepy “meow” to greet me under my bare feet. No pitter-patter paw prints across the floor leading me to the kitchen to his bowl. Last evening I placed my furkid kitty of thirteen years in the ground. He had lost his battle with age, kidney failure, and more. I left yesterday morning to go to work knowing he was not doing very well. Before I returned home he crawled into the bed that up until recently he rarely used and went to sleep. Looking as if he had gone peacefully to join all my pets before him. (Yes I firmly believe that animals also go over the rainbow bridge and await us playfully in heaven.) A good fight had been fought. He allowed myself and my wife our own personal moments over the last few days to love on him. We knew his precious time with us was near, we prayed over him, […]