His Pain Became Our Gain
On this Good Friday, I am reminded of a somber moment. A moment where His pain became our gain.
As his pierced hands were nailed to the cross. The spear lanced his side. Our salvation poured out onto the ground on that hill. He suffered a death that no one should endure in order to cleanse the earth of its sin and make us pure.
We are closing in on the end of our forty days of Lent, many of whom can barely hold on a couple more days. Yet He held on, his friends denied him and He still held on. He carried the burden of the worlds’ sin, yet He held on. Even in His dying, as He hung on the cross, He held onto each one of us in his heart.
~ 1 Peter 2:24
Have you died to yourself this Lenten season? Given up your sin and embraced a new relationship with your Father? He will rise again in three days and carry your burdens with Him. Did you give him your sin to take home?
As believers whether Christian or Catholics (not sure why there has been such a hoopla lately on the difference) we all sin regularly. We fail daily and are burdened to carry our own cross. During Lent we are asked to fast, pray and give alms as symbols of