SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Defending the Feminine Heart (Book Review)

Admittedly, I read a lot of books. I read usually about one book a week give or take. However, rarely am I compelled to write about what I read. Especially on my own volition, without sponsors or a promotion of some sort. That is until today… Defending the Feminine Heart, A Masculine Wall for GOD’s Daughters by Jeff Voth is available on Amazon. I had the opportunity to purchase a copy at Cavetime last weekend. That being said, I wanted to share some thoughts and offer up a challenge. Men today have come under attack. Our masculinity is at stake and truth be told…it’s our fault. We have allowed modern culture to dictate how we are to behave. Our sinful nature going unchecked has permitted lust, pornography, and sex trafficking to become rampant. Meanwhile, we complacently sit on our backsides. Allowing it to happen or worse endorsing it with our own bad behavior. Jeff pulls no punches in his new book. He rightfully calls us knuckleheads out. But not only does he shine the light on the darkness, but he shows us the way. Providing a step by step process in becoming a wall for God’s daughters. Calling out the enemy and learning how to protect all women, as God intended. We are all knuckleheads and have been since Adam. Jeff shows us that through pursuing the second Adam, Jesus we don’t have to be. It is the time that we stand up against the enemy. Time to reclaim, rebuild the wall that God intended to […]