SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Where Will You Be in 40 Days?

Can you believe it, Lent is already upon us again. Today we prepare our hearts and minds for our 40-day journey. 40 days in the scheme of things is not that long, yet it sounds intimidating every year. We contemplate the past year as we decide what we will give up this year. My question for you is, did you give it up last year? I mean truth be told did you go without for 40 days? Or did you just do a little less of what you likely should not be doing anyway? I find it interesting how many people give up chocolate, soda, sugar, salt or social media for Lent. The first one will be a real test as valentine’s day comes after you already gave it up. What if instead of giving up, you gave UP? Click To Tweet I mean what if for the next 40 days you read scripture every day? Or perhaps did a 40 day devotional (likely a reason most devotionals are 40 days long huh?) Spending the next 40 days pressing into God’s word, where would you be in 40 days from now? I know some of you already read the Bible every day, how about adding 40 days of prayer then? You already do that? Then try doubling your efforts. When Jesus spent 40 days in the desert, he was not out there longing for chocolate. He spent his time in prayer and devotion. He prayed for you as he suffered. Perhaps we can follow his […]

His Pain Became Our Gain

On this Good Friday, I am reminded of a somber moment. A moment where His pain became our gain.
As his pierced hands were nailed to the cross. The spear lanced his side. Our salvation poured out onto the ground on that hill. He suffered a death that no one should endure in order to cleanse the earth of its sin and make us pure.
We are closing in on the end of our forty days of Lent, many of whom can barely hold on a couple more days. Yet He held on, his friends denied him and He still held on. He carried the burden of the worlds’ sin, yet He held on. Even in His dying, as He hung on the cross, He held onto each one of us in his heart.

~ 1 Peter 2:24
Have you died to yourself this Lenten season? Given up your sin and embraced a new relationship with your Father? He will rise again in three days and carry your burdens with Him. Did you give him your sin to take home?
As believers whether Christian or Catholics (not sure why there has been such a hoopla lately on the difference) we all sin regularly. We fail daily and are burdened to carry our own cross. During Lent we are asked to fast, pray and give alms as symbols of

Finding the Root of Passion

We all strive in finding the root of passion find that passion or zeal in our own lives.
When you talk to someone with a dream, they usually tell it with passion. If you come across someone with a gift they like to share, they are considered passionate.
Did you know that the Latin root of passion is patis, which means suffering. Why on earth would passion and suffering be related? Then again the Passion of Christ was the largest suffering anyone could encounter.
Think of this week, the week we call Holy week. On Palm Sunday you likely heard the story called the Passion. There are performances and movies that depict the passion of Jesus. He truly did suffer and humble himself to become man, take on our sins and be crucified for us. Out of passion?
When we give of ourselves for others. Chase a dream through sleepless nights. Humbly serve our brethren. We too find our passion. It is through our dying unto ourselves that others may live.
My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion,
some compassion, some humor, and some style. ~ Maya Angelou
People in hospitals are called patients, also the root is patis , and they are those who are also suffering. When we show signs of patience we suffer in silence for others. All these have the same root but numerous meanings. The patience it takes as we chase down our passion in turn can bring