SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

An Open Letter to Fear, You No Longer Live Here

Dear Fear, You and I have been through a lot together; I wanted to share what I learned from you in this letter. We have spent many long and sleepless nights together. You made me believe in myself. Scratch that you made me believe in another self. The self that did not exist, one built on lies, like a house made of match sticks. The whispers you spoke into my soul at night, driving deep into my humanity. I believed you; you created me. We shared some great times together, well they were great for you at least. You partied and had a fake lifestyle, one where you pretended to have it all together. Meanwhile, I was buried in my insecurities and self-doubt. I believed the lies you told me, telling me I was worthless, would not amount to anything, even stupid. I thought I could change you, but in turn, you changed me. I no longer recognized the skeleton that looked back in my mirror. I was a fading image of what God had made me be. We have grown apart, you and I, we are different now. I no longer have the same feelings I once had for you. You have become distant and, well I cheated on you. I found someone else that loves me for me. They don’t try to change me or fix me. I wake in the morning without buyers remorse. Laying my head down at night knowing I have made the right choice. Don’t shed tears as you […]