SecondIron's Blog

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23 Blast – Inspiring Us to See Differently

Vision Comes From Within When you look for a movie to watch over the next couple of weeks the pickings are slim. It almost seems that family movies get buried behind movies like John Wick starring Keanu Reeves which people will go see just because it is Keanu. Then there is Ouija which no matter how you spin cannot turn out well for anyone. Buried among the weekends travesties is 23 Blast, a movie that everyone that likes inspirational true stories should see, yet many never heard of. We went to see it on opening weekend last weekend. Like many faith filled, feel good or family movies it was tucked in the back of the theater. for we walk by faith, not by sight Click To Tweet The movie itself was thoroughly enjoyable, it has a PG-13 rating due to football violence and some teen drinking. It carries a faith undertone unlike many recent faith-based movies. You are not burdened with cheesy scripts and a heavy message. The acting is actually top-notch compared to the budget. Being that the movie is based on a true story made it all the more enjoyable. Without giving away too much of the story, here is a brief synopsis. The movie is based on the true story of Travis Freeman (Mark Hapka) a high school football player that loses his eyesight his junior year. His football coach (Stephen Lang) talks him into coming back and playing for the team. Needless to say he comes back and plays and inspires […]