Christmas is Love in Action
Another Christmas is upon us. We have scurried about getting those last-minute gifts. We anxiously await those presents to be opened. Through it all, the crowds and the traffic, we made it so Christmas would be perfect. Guess what… it won’t be.. we are all a mess. This day is not about the gifts all wrapped with pretty red and green bows. The perfect Christmas happened over two thousand years ago. Ever since we have been missing its purpose. God gave us His ONLY Son to save our souls. Yet every year as we celebrate His birth we sell the very souls he came to save. If there is no Christmas in your heart there is no Christmas under the tree. Click To Tweet We spend money on things we don’t need and for what… to be the star of the show? Lavish gifts that sparkle and shine, we buy the latest fad just to be cool. Spending money, time and anxiety to find that perfect gift. Only to have it opened in seconds, a few oohs an awes and then set aside. This is not what Christmas is all about. We should take this time to seek forgiveness and healing. While others share the store-bought glitter, why not share from the heart what matters. Many families will be celebrating this day.. celebrating alone and lonely with regret and pain. That family member or friend that you have not talked to in a while. Why not call them on Christmas, a little sign you care. […]