SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

2017 Brings in a New Word of the Year

It can be difficult to encompass an entire year into one word. A word that will be your focus for the next 365 days. One that will embody the direction the year 2017 will take. As I look back on the journey of this past year’s word, I can see it did not always come easily. I had chosen fearless as my word of 2016 and service the year before that. Sure there were moments of reckless abandon, but was I truly fearless? I would have to say in so many ways, a resounding YES! Going into 2017, my outlook is a little different. I have decided to take a less resounding word. A word that I have not come by lightly. In fact, much prayer has been put into the preparation of this word than any other in the past. Prayer out of need, just as much as for guidance. You see 2017 is going to be a big year for me, and for you as well, I just know it! Therefore the one word has to be just right. I challenged myself when the word came about, because well it is just not the normal me. Or is it? Perhaps this is the beginning of a new me? Without further ado or unnecessary discourse, I present to you my one word for 2017. My one word is to be none other than Humility. In fact, I really think there are two words for this year that speak volumes of the year ahead and they are Humbled […]

What is Your One Word for the New Year?

Inspired by the One Word concept created by One Word that Will Change Your Life a book by Jon Gordon, Dan Britton, and Jimmy Page. I have chosen a new word for 2016. What will your One Word be for the New Year? In 2015 I had chosen Service as my One Word, by setting the expectation up front it gave me a goal for the year. As I reflect on the past year, I believe service was a perfect choice. I pushed my comfort levels and began to be heavily involved with several nonprofits and other organizations within my community. I found myself serving others and utilizing my talents in ways I never had imagined. What One Word will describe your year? Mine will be … Click To Tweet As we move into the new year it is my prayer that I will witness the same power this coming year. I pray that you will be able to find one word that will renew and re-energize your year. My word comes from taking my time and spending it in prayerful communion with my Father. I feel this word has been laid on my spirit, and that it reflects His plan for me over the next year. My One Word for the New Year of 2016 will be Fearless! I have lived my life bound by fear, held prisoner to the opinions of others, 2016 will be the year I break free. By facing my own fears, I will be able to comfort and guide others. […]

One Word for New Year

Personally I have been a fan of Jon Gordon for years. He has created a library of life changing books that are a part of my collection. Being that he is also a local author, most are personally signed as well. One such book was Jon’s collaboration project called ‘One Word‘. As a fan and avid reader, I have bought Jon’s books as soon as they hit the shelf, for myself and as gifts.  I bought a copy, gave it to my wife and thought no more about it. Several weeks later, my wife asked what my ‘one word’ was? I was clueless as I had not read the book. She gave me the book back and encouraged me to read it. Many months later, towards the end of 2014, One Word came around again. This time is a Facebook group that I belong to. One of the members offered to create artwork for those that had their word chosen. This was easy for me as I already had my One Word  prepared for the New Year. 2014 as a whole has been a bit of a blur for me. I started my blog, writing for it a couple of times a week. I also began a side project and blog that can be found at Meanwhile working and going to school full-time, and focusing on my marriage. During these busy times there was one word that kept appearing. One Word that I feel has been written on my heart to share during this next year. […]