SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Hearts of Children Wipe it all Away

I am currently in Port-au-Prince, Haiti after spending our first day back in Canaan. This marks our third trip in the last seven months. Each time we come things are a little different. On our first day it was traffic that slowed us down a bit. Although a bit stressful the slow-moving gave me an opportunity to take the country in. When we arrived at the school the kids were hard at work. They stopped what they were doing and stood to sing a welcoming song as we entered. There is nothing more beautiful than the voices of children singing on a mountainside. We were there to do some work and gather more information on the kids for their sponsorship packages. We were also there just to love on them. Some of the children remembered us and openly shared. Others were a bit shy, yet opened up when they saw we cared. It was a hot and busy day, we got to see the orphanage that will soon be done. It still needs a roof before it can provide shelter for the abandoned. Growing up as an orphan, this has a special place for me. I cannot wait to sit in traffic again. All the people, cars, dogs and donkeys will not keep us from the mountain. Seeing the smiles of the children wipes away all the inconveniences of this world. It is for the children of Haiti that we continue to return. To learn more about how you can help please visit

There are No Orphans of God in Haiti

Spend some time with those that have little and you will find there are no orphans of God in Haiti. Once the ladies were done visiting the women’s ward in the hospital we were led to another ward in the hospital. We crossed the open courtyard to the infant ward, where there was a lady tending to the children. The first half of the room was full of cribs with young children that the woman, who we had found out was only a volunteer was doing her best to keep them from crying. Naturally the first instinct of many in our group was to want to comfort the children any way they could. In the back part of the same room in the ward there were a few family members gathered around their children. We had noticed that some of the children had no family, so we asked the volunteer. She shared with us that the children were dropped off by their parents, who since they could not afford the expense would not be back. The children in turn would remain at the hospital in the ward until they were fetched by the government and transferred to one of the many government-run orphanages. Looking into the eyes of one of the children in the cribs, my heart began to ache and tears welled up in my eyes. I told my wife I needed a moment and I stepped back into the open courtyard to get some air. The reality of the environment started to fill […]