SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Self-Acceptance: Is It Truly Possible?

Today I am wrapping up the graduation celebrations and starting a new chapter in my journey. As I turn the page, once again I am turning over my blog to another talented blogger. My guest today, Debra Hennesy will share with you her thought on self -acceptance many can relate to. Join me in giving a warm welcome to Debra.

Self-Acceptance: Is It Truly Possible?

A couple of years ago, I was approached by our high school class president about heading up a committee for our class reunion (okay, I actually brought the subject up to him, so technically I volunteered…WHY do I bring these things on myself?!). This particular reunion was a big milestone for us, so I thought the excitement would be high. As the event grew closer, I started to notice some nervous chatter among my peers; people were anxious about their appearance (Not just women, mind you! Plenty of men joined in!).

It struck me that we as a society tend to use events as “goals” for weight loss: weddings, beach vacations, and yes, what appears to strike fear into many hearts, the dreaded high school reunion! I even heard the comment, “I’m not going unless I lose 20 pounds”…what?! Were we as a class that judgmental, and/or is that person so insecure that he/she wouldn’t feel comfortable attending without a dramatic change? Why is it that, for certain events, we feel like we need to become someone we’re not?