SecondIron's Blog

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“Risen” Gives the Resurrection a Roman Perspective

Risen is a Biblical tale seen through the eyes of an unbeliever. Clavius is a tribune of Julius Caesar, who follows the story of Jesus’ rising from the dead. The story unfolds as the Romans seek to silence the disciples and all those that are spreading the good news. Clavius searches high and low for the remaining disciples. To his chagrin when he encounters them, they are not afraid of Pilate’s wrath. Not only does Pilate order Clavius to find the disciples, but he also ordered him to locate the body of Jesus. He wanted proof that would silence Jesus’ followers once and for all. Clavius struggles to find the evidence that Pilate is looking for. In turn, he finds the proof he never thought existed. Instead of finding a crucified body to return to Pilate as evidence, he encounters Jesus himself. This encounter changes everything for him, as it would anyone. He finds himself in the dilemma of knowing that he watched him die. Now days later he sees the same man alive again. What else could he believe? The radical followers that he had been chasing, perhaps they were not so radical? #RisenMovie Click To Tweet Maybe they did not steal the body as originally thought? What did this all mean? Clavius does what any good soldier would do. He ran. That does not sound right, yet it was. He ran with the Apostles; he helped them escape the Roman soldiers that hunted them. His doubts began to fade as he witnessed more […]