SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

You Must Point Your Sail Before You Launch

You can’t be a procrastinator in business! It is not fair to your customers, your marriage any of it! You keep saying these words they are warning signs for your business. On a recent phone call with my coaches they laid down the framework of tough love . Words very similar to those above punched me in the mouth or perhaps gut. Punching holes in the side of the boat I had been sailing in for so long. I had been going about this all wrong. Wandering in the sea of my own past. Believing the lies I had been told. Treading water above my self-inflicted misery. It was the time that I point my sail and use these fresh winds of truth to tack and jibe towards my dreams. As we worked through some more difficult questions in preparation for upcoming consulting, one of them, in particular, gave me a dose of smash mouth love. For many years, as long as I can remember, in fact, I have always done things my way. Never open to critiques or criticism no matter the source. My arrogance and ego pushed everyone to the edges of my life’s sphere, including God. I pretended to have it all together. Confidence oozed out of me as I walked through life, leaving a trail of carnage in my wake. I started a cycle of destructive self-speech that I began to believe. Words I heard growing up became a part of the threads of my humanity. Weaving through me until all […]