SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

When We Turn Up the Volume in Our Lives

Sometimes we must slow down to listen, other times we must turn up the volume to hear. Lately I have been gently reminded that there is a plan for me. These reminders have come in many shapes, sizes and voices. Ever since I was told a few months ago to press into the Lord he has fervently been chasing me to get my attention. Whether it was listening to others share their stories in the hills near music city. Or maybe it was the beautiful sounds in the mountains of Haiti. Perhaps it was when I got the attention of the pastor during his sermon while visiting a church down south. Maybe it was when my own priest asked me to lead in ways that are uncomfortable. Or was it the time I spoke with someone whom my writing ministered to. Maybe it was when I watched a movie that brought me to tears (yes guys we do it too). When you press into Him, no matter the noise you will hear His voice. Click To Tweet Each moment that I have experienced lately were not my chance. He has been molding me slowly to do more. I am not sure what any of this will lead to, all I know is that it was not by accident but by design that these words have been written at the time that they have. Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. ~ Jeremiah 33:3 We are […]