SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

How are You Going to Share Their Story?

All of us have a story to tell, some are just looking for the ears to listen. How are you going to share their Story?

How are You Going to Share Their Story?

Some of you may remember shortly after I started SecondIron’s Blog I shared a story about a gentleman I met out in the rain. This man had nothing to offer and yet I had all to gain. He was homeless and looking for company more than a handout. I told his story of how he was needing a few dollars in order to find a place out of the rain to stay. I ran into this same man yesterday.

I will call him Joe, as to not give away his real name that I now know.

I was reading the book Bridge Builders out in the hot sun on the river-walk. As I got up to move to the shade I saw a familiar face coming towards me. Not wanting interaction I turned my back and walked away. His pace was faster than mine and he caught up to and passed me by. As he did he looked at me briefly. He turned and stopped, and quietly said “have we had conversation before?” I acknowledged we had.

Noticing that he had a tool-belt around his waist and a cellphone in his hand. I commented ‘you are doing better than the last time we spoke.’ He cheerfully replied ‘yes, I guess I