SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

We are called to serve all the nations

Jetlagged, weary-eyed, utterly exhausted, yet fulfilled. This past week I, along with several others returned from a two-week mission trip to Thailand. Two weeks filled with culture, new found friendships, sleepless nights, fatigue, joy, and much more. Although the exotic foods may have unsettled our stomachs or we had strained emotions due to lack of sleep, I cannot wait to return. I have found that when it comes to mission trips there are a few things to take into consideration. Things never go as planned – no matter how much you painstakingly plan the agenda. It will change and that is okay, more than okay usually. Intend to serve, be prepared to be humbled – no matter how you plan to serve others, God shows up and meets you in the faces of those you serve. Allow your heart to break – broken hearts are God’s pottery. He breaks you, only to mold you into His very own remade masterpiece. Open yourself up to be vulnerable – every trip had revealed part of my own story. When we allow ourselves to be prayerfully vulnerable, God will show us our story and true mission. Mission trips are not for everyone – even those that go ‘on a mission’ are not always ready. They focus more on themselves than those they are there to help. Some missionaries are better off taking a vacation. Allow God’s love to shine – You may be a bitter pill at home. Yet travel to a place where no one knows you. […]