SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Iron Sharpens Iron …

Finally it is here, many hours of work and rework. Starving my fears and hammering out the details. In order to create a new image, scratch that a new platform. There are still a few pieces still to come, but the anticipation has worn me weary. You see I bought the new theme that you see before you a couple of months ago. I have tweaked and re-tweaked it until what you see before you. This new image along with a forthcoming logo will become the image and persona of SecondIron. Maintaining the theme and concept of iron sharpens iron, SecondIron’s Blog is being relaunched with this new design, passion and goals. I will strive to provide consistent content to you and welcome you into the conversation. Blogging is an interactive process the more the readers join the conversation the more we will all be sharpened. Hope that you enjoy the revamped look, as well as the new content. Take a moment and subscribe today to ensure that you will continue to receive the content in your inbox. The site was built using the Tribe theme provided by Jeff Goins. It is hosted by Dreamhost and regularly modified by me. Be sure to check out the resources page to learn more. I have provided a page of interesting links that will periodically grow when I find other sites that are befitting the SecondIron recommendation. Most of these sites are offered simply as a courtesy and there are no affiliate relationship unless noted. Hope you enjoy […]