SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

My Year in Review (2015)

We are coming to the end of another life changing year. When I look back over the past twelve months of 2015, it has been quite a journey for us all. As I reflect back over 2015 I have already started to lean forward into 2016. Nothing happens without a plan, and it looks like it will be another amazing year for the record books just as this past year has been. Before I get too far ahead it is best to take stock in the humbling events that 2015 brought us through. I wrote about a hundred blog posts, had numerous guest bloggers join me and share their stories along the way. Thousands more readers visited my blog this year versus last, and many of you have commented and shared your thoughts. I was humbled throughout the year as you shared the posts with your friends and family both in person and on social media. You joined me as I traveled to Haiti on my first mission trip, and supported me as I fought writers block as I wrote my first book. You were by my side as I finally graduated college and faced numerous fears and obstacles. Without you, my readers none of this would matter, better yet much would likely never have happened. As we close out the year I simply want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I look forward to sharing more of my story with you and, in turn, hearing about yours in the months and […]

Year in Review (Top 9 Posts of 2014)

Over the past year I have taken my readers through a varied journey. We have traveled from middle earth, to the gridiron and beyond. I have shared stories with the homeless, both pets and people. We have set goals, shared tips and grown together through the year. It is my honor to share this year in review with you. As the New year closes in I wanted to share some highlights of 2014. These are a handful of 90+ posts from the past year. Of these posts they have been read in over 80 countries from around the world. Thousands of readers like you have encouraged me over the past year to continue to write. First and foremost ‘Thank You’ to each and every one of you, without you there would be no year in review. Here are the top nine posts determined by count of readers like you. I look forward to continuing to serve and share with you in 2015. 1. Dreams Fail when we Procrastinate:  Dreams fail when we procrastinate and wait for the right time to come to decide. Failed again, yep that’s right that really good deal that would change everything, well you missed it. Dragged my feet thinking I would do it tomorrow, yet tomorrow is here and the deal is gone. As dreamer I think the saying goes “if you build they will come”, not just because you thought about it will it happen. read more   2. Why Men are Leaving Church Church leaders everywhere are scrambling to […]