We Are Orphans No More
When you hear the name ‘father’ or ‘papa’ or even ‘dad’ what kind of emotion does that stir inside you? Many men in the world today do not have the feelings one would expect. Rather than having happiness and fulfillment and attitudes of success men see that term as an empty label. There are many of us that feel like we were orphans and therefore the idea of a father inflames feelings of hurt. These orphans may have not been such in the true sense of the word, meaning that they had someone who called themselves ‘dad’ but were not there emotionally. Many men grow up with no role model or father figure to call on. These men develop resentment and anger that many are unaware of towards authority figures as they had none to look up to. There are men, such as myself that also are true orphans where they were given up either at birth or any time during their childhood where they were deserted by the people who were supposed to be there for them. This abandonment can cause mixed feelings of hurt, confusion and anger that can sometimes last a lifetime.