SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Are You Really Living

Are you really living your life?

I mean sure you are breathing (hopefully unless you are zombie reading this), but are you living. We shuffle through our daily life. Day in and day out. One day blends into weeks, into months.

We work hard to balance our overflowing plates.

For many that means, work, marriage, maybe kids, church and the rest of life. Working hard to make it to the end of the day. Punching the time clock of our own existence.

When is the last time you went on a mission trip? What about volunteering at a soup kitchen? Did some good for someone else without being asked. Gave back to the lives of others of your own free will…not in a church, work or school group.

Rushing through our daily lives we forget how to really live. Focused on the mighty dollar, or whether there is food on the table. Overwhelmed with excess worry and anxiety. Wondering if your badge to the rat race will work today.

So many distractions, keep us from really living. Bills, social life, keeping up appearances, will any of it matter? How many coworkers or clients will attend you graveside. We put our time and talents in areas that only take, yet never give.

Life is only a certain number of days. Last time I checked we usually don’t get out of it alive. Rather than wasting those day, however many they may be. Lets add value to each day. Make each one like it is our last.

How LinkedIn Almost Fired Me

Anyone that uses social media to any extent knows the rules change. Just look at Facebook recently, and apparently LinkedIn as well. The developers of the social media websites and applications make changes all the time. Some are for privacy, functionality or well  just because. That last one is the tricky one. As a user, when we use their product we accept the responsibility that no matter how their app works, defame or maims us we cannot hold them liable. I recently learned this the hard way. I fired myself on LinkedIn and did not even know it. Recently I updated my LinkedIn work experience to include a couple more items. I added blogging on this site as well as the freelance writing I do for Father Jerzy’s Road to Sainthood. Sounds innocent enough…right? Soon after making the changes I started getting congratulations notifications from people in my network. It is awesome whenever we get kudos especially for our art.  I received some personal notes that really made my day. Then I started to wonder what all the fuss was really about… Thankfully, I am not networked with my manager on LinkedIn. This became evident when a coworker at my day job stopped by my desk. They were checking to see if I had left yet and wanted to know if I was fired or quit. A bit confused, they said my LinkedIn profile said I had a new gig. I checked did.. it had fired me from my day job. Apparently when you […]

When You know it is Worth it

There are moments in life when you know it is Worth it. Ever have that moment of clarity that makes your struggle worthwhile? That moment when you are ready to throw in the towel and it happens. When you are full of self-doubt and prepared to quit. That is when He intercedes and puts someone or something in your path.  This is not another hurdle to leap over, this is the reminder that it’s all worth it. Those sleepless nights when you can’t shut your brain off are worth it. The conversations that you have with yourself are starting to make sense. The words that you are unable to speak, yet crave to give a voice to be heard. The audacious goals you set for yourself so long ago. These all make up the moments that I thought they may be a struggle, they and you are worth it. That sigh of relief when your car or credit card is paid off. That time when your art work is used to announce a marriage or a newborn. Maybe it is when you get sweaty palms and butterflies before your first TedX speech. Whatever level of expectation it is, it is worth it. Perhaps it is the time you use the story of David to bring others to Christ and to find their purpose. Or you create a pod cast that highlights the achievements of others. Or it is the time you shared your wisdom to help other bloggers become better beyond the posts they write. […]