SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Every Man needs a Band of Brothers

Men as they grow older, usually lose a great number of their childhood friends. If we are fortunate enough to get married, many times we leave our drinking buddies, college pals behind. Lately, some of my own brothers have been taken home way too soon. At some point, adult males begin to long for the fellowship of their brothers. Our work, our wives, and our hobbies are no longer enough to feel fulfilled in our journey. There is something to be said for a group of men that can share life together. I am not talking about a bunch of guys that sit around drinking beer every night after work instead of going home. Nor am I speaking of those that gather to belittle or pass judgment on others as they stroke their own egos. I am talking about the kind of brothers that you can lock shields with and fight the battles we face on this earth together. “Brothers don’t necessarily have to say anything to each other – they can sit in a room and be together and just be completely comfortable with each other.” It’s been a couple of years now since I found a couple of groups of brothers to lean into. One group is a spin-off of a bigger Facebook group I belong too. It was developed as a safe place for guys to share and well be guys. The other group is founded on 5 core principles or in this case stones with the foundation set around the story […]

How Real are Your Social Media Friends?

Last week I posted on social media on my Facebook account that I needed to change the people I hung out with. I was not pointing fingers or making accusations, yet some got very defensive. I received comments and direct messages of concern and anxiety. People wondering if they had done something or if I was okay. Granted it was nice to see the people who genuinely cared for my well-being.  Even more, it was interesting to see those that didn’t bother to comment either way. I am not judging a fleeting moment on social media to gauge my friendships, neither should you. Friends on social media are usually taken at face value, for we don’t have much else to go on. However they many times will behave more like your friends than your real ones. What is your ROI of your social media friends? #socialmedia Click To Tweet This little exercise accomplished a few things for me. What was merely a simple statement of fact of where my head and heart was at, also perhaps provided some insight into relationships and social media? Social Media is Surface Level – We get so wrapped up in the statuses, feeds and 140 character snippets of people’s’ lives we forget to create relationships with the people. Glued to our smartphones, we would likely not even recognize the person outside of the avatar small square, much less in real life. People are easily offended – Ever type an email or text message that was taken out of context? […]

Why Every Man Needs a Cave Full of Broken Men

Over the last couple of years, I like many of my male friends have sought out fellow cave dwellers. Now I am not referring to the cavemen that grunt and scratch themselves. I am talking about the men that lean on each other and sharpen each other as we struggle through life. I have attended a men’s group called That Man is You on Wednesday mornings at my church. It is a group of between 30 and 50 Catholic men that watch a 30-minute video of the week then spend about 30 minutes discussing the points of the film and anything else that may come up in discussions. Many times the topic itself gets replaced by real issues we are dealing with personally. Why Every Man Needs a Cave Full of Broken Men Click To Tweet Although that group has fed me over the past couple of years, I have longed for more. I became involved in conversations with men in a Facebook group called the Real man Cave. This is a group of guys from around the country that really press into one another. It is a safe place to discuss manly topics and also be held accountable. No topic has been off-limits as we have discussed things like finances, marriage, addictions and more. I also came across a website that also has a mobile app called ManUp God’s Way. A place where men from all over can share as well as be challenged. I use the app regularly to share with others, read […]