SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

The Next Big Thing is Here

So I am sure you have heard by now about the ‘Next Big Thing’ that was coming to stores near you this month.

I decided to bite and look into the new Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge with my phone carrier T-Mobile. The phone officially hits their shelves today. I like many people did not wait and ran to the nearest store last weekend to pre-order mine. I have now had mine in my hands for a couple of days now. All I can really say is, I am glad I did not wait!

Keeping in mind that I upgraded using the JUMP program with T-Mobile, moving from the Galaxy S3 to the S6 Edge was a leap. Now I will say that the appearance of the G6 Edge is like night and day in comparison. It is sleek and responsive, and although the phone is bigger it does not feel bulky. One beautiful feature that made the transfer virtually flawless was using the Samsung Smart Switch App. By turning the NFC on for both phones and tapping the backs together they synced and transferred the files from my S3 to the S6 via Bluetooth flawlessly.

Obviously comparisons will vary depending on what kind of phone you currently have. However I did show it to an apple iPhone user and his first response was ‘Oh wow’. Also showed it to a couple of other people who have different makes and they too were keenly interested. I will say personally the fast responsive interface and the capability

4 Lessons Learned from Hiring a Plumber

As men we like to fix things. Whether we really can or not we like the challenge. It gives us purpose. A reason for breathing.
The other day I decided to take on fixing a wobbly toilet. This is not a task for the feeble minded. First as a guy getting in and around nether-region splatter is well not my cup of tea. No matter how much of a germaphobe I am. The residue of visitors and guests lingers.
Our house is one of those houses where nothing is as easy as it seems. What should have been just a matter of tightening some screws or maybe adding a shim. Turned into an all day ordeal.

From a broken cast iron flange, failing from age. Then snapping a brittle connecting hose. I was not going to give in easily to this porcelain giant. Hammering and chiseling my way into oblivion. Defeat was not an option, at first.
A couple futile trips to Home Depot and ad-mist frustration. Do I throw in the towel, have I made things worse? Guys don’t ask for directions much less any help. Battered and broken the room a bit more so. Frustrated that I made things worse. Maybe I should have just called the plumber first off I guess.
So I gave in and put up the white flag of surrender. I called in reinforcements and had the experts come out.
When the plumber got to the house

Ways to Use Excess Meyer Lemon Harvest

If you are like me the idea of growing your own fruits and vegetables is bountiful. Notice I said the “idea” was bountiful not always the harvest. I grew up on a farm so one would think I had a green thumb. Guess that is why it was a  cattle farm and not a corn field. I mean sure we had a garden, and a greenhouses for a while. But I did not a seem to get many of those traits. Now that I live in the suburbs there is not much space much less manure to have a harvest regularly. I have tried growing everything from broccoli to zucchini even grown fennel and Habanero. Usually the harvest is small considering the time and work put into them. A few years back I planted a fruit tree.. a lemon tree best I knew. After a few years it put out fruit. The fruit was weird-looking for lemons. They were about the size of oranges or small grapefruit. Yellow and sour like lemon but the flesh consistency of an orange. I had saved the tag on the tree and read that it was a Meyer Lemon. Meyer Lemons are hybrids thought to be a cross of a lemon and a Mandarin Orange. Oh and once they start to produce they can produce thousands. So the first couple of seasons I did nothing with the harvest. Much dropped and became fertilizer. The rest ended up in the trash. This year I decided to make use of my […]