SecondIron's Blog

Sharpening Iron to Live Second

Black, White and a Touch of Pray

When will all the hate stop and the praying for healing begin?

It seems like every day in every city in America there is tragedy as the breaking headline. Our country has become so racially divided that there seems to no longer be any gray. Media outlets and now even your home based bloggers take to the internet to sensationalize a hurting nation. We see headlines like “Charleston church shooting: Without gun control, racism will keep killing black people” and “Obama joins Twitter. Racism quickly follows.” and even more ridiculous headlines than that.

Now I don’t want to be misunderstood, are there racial tensions in this country? Absolutely. Does it have anything to do with gun control, the President, the economy, our school systems and whatever flavor of the week is being sold to justify it? No!

Our schools are full of children that are being raised by the teachers not their parents. Grandparents fill in when the parents disappear on their own accord, are in jail or worse. The teachers are limited by lawyers, unions and the government where they simply teach to the test rather than educate our youth. While they are babysitting our next generation, our current generation is falling apart.

Every time something happens, people are quick to play judge, jury and at times executioner. We label tragedies as ‘hate crimes’ or racist’ without knowing the full story. Just this morning I wept as I read the hate mongering headlines and comments about the shooting in Charleston last night.

Every Family Needs a War Room

Recently I had the pleasure of pre-screening the movie War Room by the Kendrick brothers.

Movie premiers are usually full of people that have never heard of the movie, writers and media. This premier was a little different. Imagine a premier where the packed theater is full of pastors and bloggers. What a great way to start a grassroots campaign for a movie that matters.

War Room is a movie for Christians and non-christian alike. It is a movie for all ages. It is a movie that is needed for our hurting nation.
The Kendrick brothers usually reach new heights with each movie they produce. The War Room is no exception.

The family-friendly movie (rated PG) explores prayer and the role that is plays peoples’ lives. Tony and Elizabeth Jordan, are your typical American couple who seemingly have it all. Tony has a great job, provides a nice house and the finer things for his wife and daughter. Like many families appearances can be deceiving. Their marriage is at the brink of destruction from pride, greed and lust as Tony is tempted while out on the road.

The Jordan family has become the battle line with Elizabeth (Priscilla Shirer) and her daughter fighting a fight that they can only win with Tony’s help. With the help of Miss Clara (Karen Abercrombie), an older, wiser woman, Elizabeth discovers she can start fighting for her family through prayer. Elizabeth begins the journey of taking back her family from the brink of disaster. She confronts not only Tony

Tough Questions to Reveal You Care

As men we care for our homes in our own way, may just not be the right way. As a man we can think that life is going great and then are blindsided by the truth at home. We get so busy with work, deadlines, and keeping a busy schedule that we fail at everything. It is like we work so hard at getting things done we get nothing done that is needed. If we take a moment and evaluate our lives, are we really doing the right things? I know this means actually taking the time to stop, listen to the silence and hear the truth. Many times the truth is our truth not the real truth that the rest of the world sees. “It is not titles that make men illustrious, but men who make titles illustrious.” – Machiavelli  We brag about our accomplishments, we feel good when the bills are paid and when things are going right. We focus on what we good we have done or how well we finished a difficult project at work. Yet we leave our homes, not our houses but our homes undone. This does not mean the yard as it is mowed and trimmed. The hedges have been pruned the grass is watered so everything is looking good. You sit down to a home cooked meal every night so things are even better. Your house is tidy yet your home is still a wreck. As men we get busy in ‘our world’ of taking care of things, […]